I just need to know...

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Bucky POV:

It was over. I looked around me as people reunited with loved ones and others assessed the damage around them. But my eyes went back to the man who gave it all to get all of this back.

His wife crying at his side and the kid crying beside her. We'd all kneeled, honoring Tony as he took his last breaths. We all owed him more than we could ever repay and I swore in that moment that his family would never be in danger. If they needed anything I would do what I could to protect them. They had earned it, Tony had earned it. Steve slowly made his way over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It's over." He whispered and I nodded.

We stood there together for a while, others cleaning up or leaving until Pepper asked us to help get Tony over to an ambulance waiting at the edge of the damage.

Together with Thor and Banner we carried Tony's body to the stretcher and watched as Pepper got in the back with him.

Once they were gone Steve turned around, looked at everything around us.

"I'm so glad they left."

I stared at him and he sighed. "Lily and Cora. If they had been in the compound when it..."

He stopped and I nodded. Then we both looked at each other.

"We have to find them." I said and he nodded before taking off towards the cars waiting at the edge of the damage.

When I finally caught up he was on the phone with someone and he was smiling. He quickly hung up and walked towards me.

"They're okay. Lily got in touch with Happy and he got them taken care of. They're at a hotel about an hour away." He sighed and I smiled.

"They're smart Steve."

"I can't even imagine what they're going through. I don't even know if they know what happened."

"Knowing Cora, they figured it out."

He laughed. "True. Uh Happy said they went to the hospital, he wanted them checked out to make sure they were okay."

"Are they?"

"He didn't say. But he is sending someone to take us."

"Lets just ask strange to-"

"No he's done enough today and plus I think he already took off."

Steve walked towards a rock and sat down.

"You okay?"

"I don't know," he sighed then looked up at me, "Tony and I weren't the best of friends. Hell we were enemies more than we actually got along. After that fight with you, and I chose you, we were never the same. Hell we didn't talk for a long time after that. I just wish I had told him I was sorry you know? He was a good guy, a little misguided at times, but a good guy. He didn't deserve to go out like that."

"He gave up his life to make sure his family was safe Steve. He made sure his kid would have a good life, that's a hero."

"You're right. I just don't know what a world looks like without Tony Stark in it."

I laughed. "It is going to be weird."

We waited until finally as the sun was setting a driver walked towards us, we got in the car and he started the long drive to the girls.

When we got there he told us that reception would help us get to where they were before driving off. We finally got up to the girls room and Steve took a deep breath before putting the key in the lock and opening the door. It was dark as we walked in and Steve paused when he noticed Lily sleeping in the bed closest to the door. Tears streamed down his face before he slowly made his way to her. I looked towards the bathroom, then the other bed, but couldn't find Cora anywhere.

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