Lack of Control

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Time went on and we managed to find a little more information but not what we wanted to know. Our call to Shuri didn't give us hope either. She was currently busy helping her brother repair the issues that had arisen from their five year gap. We understood and she promised as soon as she had time she would let us know. So we went on with our lives. Bucky went to his therapy sessions and together with Steve they managed to help Sam out with whatever government contract came his way. They weren't gone for long periods of time, Steve wouldn't allow it, but they were gone more often than either of them wanted to be. Steve tried to be home whenever Lily had an appointment but it wasn't always manageable so when he couldn't I would be there in his place. I had managed to find a job helping out at the outreach center not too far from our home. Lily talked me into it and said it was the least we could do given everything we had gained from snapping back. So three days a week we found ourselves surrounded by troubled youths just looking for someone to listen to them. It was during one of these that we heard about a group of people trying to take down the governments. They believe that things were better during the blip and they wanted to put it back. We immediately told Steve and Bucky who gave the information to Sam. Steve wanted us to stop going to the center and Bucky agreed with him. We didn't want to give it up but the looks on their faces had us convinced that it was the right thing to do. So we planned to go the next morning to give our notice.

"I promise Bucky, straight there and straight back." I said as I kissed him goodbye.

"I mean it doll, straight there."

"Yes Soldier I'll be right back."

"Come on Cora let's roll." Lily said as she smiled at Bucky.

"You watch yourself. You get hurt and Steve will literally kick my ass up and down the street."

"Yeah yeah I hear ya." She laughed as we closed the door behind us, "They're such worry warts."

I laughed and we climbed into the car.

The center was about fifteen minutes from the house and before we knew it our resignation had been turned in.

"Miss Cora," I turned as we started heading out the door and found my favorite little youth waiting for me.

"Paige what's going on girl? I thought you were out of here."

She smiled and handed me a note. "I wanted to say thank you."

I smiled down at her, tears in my eyes. "You be good, okay. And remember you're not alone okay?"

She smiled then wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'll miss you Miss Cora."

"Me too kiddo." She pulled back then ran to join her friends.

"Awe you made a friend." Lily said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"She reminded me of myself, so closed off and emotionless. It's nice to see her so alive."

"Closed off and emotionless sounds exactly like your file."

I whirled around and saw a man standing behind us.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh no one really important. But you are. Both of you really."

"What do you know about us?" Lily asked as he smiled.

"Well I know you miss possess the ability to make me do whatever you want huh? And you well you're just interesting."

"How do you know any of that?" I said, slowly pushing Lily behind me.

"Hm well you made a mistake when you took Lilja to the hospital a few months ago. You gave your real name."

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