On the road!are we almost there?

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Soul's P.O.V
Black star and I walked up to kid,and grabbed his arm.I said"c'mon kid"I said with a smirk.black star and I let go of kid's arm when we got to the van.kid said"finally you guys get go of my arm"I replied"well if we didn't,you'd would still be staring into maka's eyes".kid turned away,putting his hands in his pockets,blushing.black star smirked,and said"we'll be back,we're going to get the luggage".and we walked back into the apartment,passing the girls on their way out.

Death the kid's P.O.V
I turn back to look at the van,it had two rows and it was a 9 Seater,wide seats also.so I decided I'll sit in the very back on the left side.the girls got to the van,Liz looked at maka,who was standing right next to her.and liz said"hey Patty you and I should sit together!"Patty then turned to liz,it took a minute for Patty to figure out what liz was planning,then said"sure big sis"and smiled.both liz and Patty looked at me with a smile,then sat down in the first row.I looked at tsubaki,she said"I'm gonna sat with soul and black star.she then looked back at me with eyes that read:sorry and have fun,walked off towards soul and black star,who where in the back making sure they got everything.I shrugged in my seat.

Maka's P.O.V
I looked down.Since everyone else found there seat,I was more then happy to sit with kid.I looked up at kid,who shrugged in his seat looking down.I said"uh...hey kid can I sit with you?"blushing.he looked at me and replied"s-sure maka"he was blushing as well and look down.I then said"oh...thanks"I smiled blushing.I said quickly"oh I forgot something I'll be right back"and I ran off.

Death the kid's P.O.V
After maka said that I look back up and maka was gone that fast.2 minutes later maka came back right before soul,black star,and tsubaki were about to get inside the van.

Soul's P.O.V
I told black star"so everything's in the van we can go"black star said"finally".I walked towards the drivers side and tsubaki followed me,black star walked towards the passenger side.I let tsubaki in first she was going to sit in the middle,then I got in.before start the engine I asked"is everyone here?"kid said"wait wait maka coming".right after he said that I saw maka running out of the apartment carrying a book.she opened the van door then closed it.

Liz's P.O.V
I turned around to look at kid,since he was right behind me,grabbed my little purse and grabbed kid's black with the death skull on the side headphones,hand them to him.I said"here kid you almost forgot your death headphones"I said with a smile.kid said"oh thanks liz".I turned back around.I looked at Patty,she was sit crisscross with her all pink death headphones on.(the death headphones or like the beats headphones)she was listening to wheels on the bus,playing with her stuffed giraffe.I was kinda bored so I almost forgot that I had a new fashion magazine in my purse,was I took that out and started to read it.

Maka's P.O.V
I was on chapter 3 of my book.I put the book down to have a little Break,I looked to the right so I could look at kid.he was listening to his headphones,shrugged In his seat looking out the window.I really wanted to talk to kid.so I tapped his shoulder.

Death the kid's P.O.V
I felt the feeling on my right shoulder,I turned around to see maka.maka said"um...hey kid are you bored?"I replied"a little why?"she then replied"you know just to k--"But I cut her off.I said"if your bored too...you can listen you my music?".she looked directly in the my eyes,the feeling went all throw out my body and said "really!"I replied"yeah"I said with a smile.I gave her one headphone.

Maka's P.O.V
After kid give me one headphone.I sat closer to kid,since he let me listen to his music.as I was scooting closer to kid,I think I was a little to close because as I was moving I bumped right into him.I quickly turned to look at kid.he sat up quickly and look at me.both of are eyes meet.I felt my face get warm,kid's face seemed to turned a light red.I said"oh I'm sor-"but I was cut off by kid"it's fine"and smiled,my face got warmer.I quickly turned forward,and looked down.

Death the kid's P.O.V
Maka was looking down,she kinda looked cute that way.
1 hour later.
Maka fell into a deep asleep and she started leaning more on me.I just put my arm over her,not wanting to wake her.

Patty's P.O.V
I was had my headphones on,playing with hair.I put Mr.giraffe down so he could take a nap.for some reason someone poked my arm.I turned around it was kid.he asked"hey Patty how long will it take to get to the camping spot?"in a whispered cause maka was asleep.I said"about 3 hours,why?".he signed and said "no reason"I giggle quietly.and turned around to play with my hair.

Black star's P.O.V
1 hour into the road and I'm already bored.I turn to my right,to see tsubaki getting tired,and soul still driving.tsubaki yawn,rubbing her eyes.I asked"um...tsubaki you ok?"she turned to me with a smile and replied"yeah...just a little tired,why?".I didn't respond,she turned away to face to road.soul,quickly hit me in the back of the head.I turned to him and said"HEY what was that for?"he replied"You know why".I turned back around.I did know what soul meant,tsubaki.she rubbed her eyes again yawning.I quickly put my arm over tsubaki and turned away.

So for taking so all to update.sorry 😔,but I'm not done it gets better 😊much better 😊.but for now just wait and see😊bye

Kidxmaka:summer loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin