On the road!are we almost there?

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Tsubaki's P.O.V
I felt something over my shoulder,it was black star's arm.I quickly turned to look at black star,his face was a dark red,my face got warm.I scooted closer to black star,which made his face a darker red.I yawned again,rubbing my eyes.soul asked"hey tusbaki I think you should take a nap before we get to the camping spot"he smirked,look at me quickly then turned back. I smiled then turned to face the road.I moved even closer to black star and put my head on his shoulder.and just like that I fell asleep....

Liz's P.O.V
I hear a weird noise, I turn right to see patty snoring.she was leaning against the door with her headphones on the middle seat,and squeeze the life out if her giraffe.I sit up a little bit,seeing tsubaki asleep on black star's shoulder with his arm around her,him also putting his head on top of tsubaki's head.Awwe cute,I said to myself.I lean back again,turning around.kid had his arm around maka,she was leaning on kid.both sharing one of kid's headphone.and both passed out asleep.I said in a whisper"kid just couldn't wait"I smiled,and turned around.I guess since everyone's taking a little nap,I think I should to.I leaned against the door,using my arm as a pillow,and slowly closed...my.....eyes...

1 hour later

Soul's P.O.V
2 more hours to go,before we get to the camp spot.Black star said"how many more hours do we have left?"I replied"2 more".he sighed,and made a bored face.

2 hours later

Black star's P.O.V
I see that tsubaki's still asleep.I turn around to see,Patty leaning up against the door snoring.liz,leaning up against the door using her arm as pillow.Kid has his arm around maka kind a like cuddling,and both asleep.I turn to soul and say"we're where,aren't we"I say in a anxious voice.he said"yes finally we're here!".

FINALLY!done with chapter 4 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😂
Chapter 5 is coming.and sorry for the short chapter and chapters.bye😄😊(oh and thanks guys for all the reads,❤️ you guys thanks)😊

Kidxmaka:summer loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin