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YOU FISHED out your wallet to hand the lady your library pass. you were returning the book you had borrowed the other day. the lady smiled at you when she saw you hand your pass that's not damaged. many students borrowing books here often have stains, crumples, and writings on their passes.

"i wish more people are as gentle as you, miss," she murmured and chuckled right after. "oh, i know how hard it is to be a librarian, ma'am," you responded and chuckled.

you both exchanged smiles before you left. the librarian is very nice and understanding. you made your way back home since it was already dusk.

you were listening to some love songs when a certain song came up. dandelions. you've always enjoyed the song. though, the lyrics of it? you don't relate to it, you just like the meaning and the beat of the song.

humming the song, you twisted the doorknob and entered your house. "i'm home!" you yelled before locking it behind you. you heard heavy footsteps running down the stairs, "big sister!" a cute voice shouted and hugged you tightly.

"yes? big sister's home!" you exclaimed and bent down to hug her back. "oh? y/n, you're also home," a deep voice said behind you, closing the door again. "ah! big brother!" sayuri shouted and launched onto seiji's arms.

"careful, sayuri." ignoring seiji, she squeezed him tighter. you sighed and went to the kitchen, where your mom stood at. she was slicing some carrots—her back was facing you. you wrapped your arms around her waist, "hi, mom."

she stopped slicing and turned to you, "hello," she said and pinched your cheek playfully. you smiled, "have you returned the book you borrowed?" she asked while she caressed your hair.

you nodded and took your arms off of her so she could continue what she was doing. "i'll change and help you, okay?" you said and she nodded.

you changed into comfortable clothes and headed back downstairs. there, you saw sayuri in seiji's arms — asleep. "can you grab that pillow, please?" seiji asked while trying to adjust his position, gently so he wouldn't wake her up.

you tossed a pillow at him, making him scowl at you. you went to the kitchen before he runs up to you and smack you. "mom?" you called and saw that she was done already. "just call your siblings, dear," she said while drying her hands.

"seiji? time for dinner," you called and he shook Sayuri softly. sayuri's eyes fluttered open and she rubbed her eyes while he carried her to the dining room.

mom cooked carrot kimpira — her favorite. you all sat on your chairs and ate peacefully. "sayuri, i'll wake you up early tomorrow, okay?" mom said as she drank her water. "sayuri, you were almost late earlier, weren't you?" seiji asked.

"h-how did you know?" little sayuri asked as you all laughed at her reaction. "i read your mind~" he teased. "i'm sorry..." sayuri apologised while her head was low.

"we're not going to the toy store if you don't finish your food faster than big sister and big brother, sayuri," your mother said and that made her eat faster.

after dinner, you all went to your rooms. you took a quick shower and opened your laptop. "alright! time to be productive!" you said and typed something.

"chapter 28..." you murmured before leaning on your pillows, the laptop on your lap. you prefer reading more than watching because imagination will be ruined if you watched the movie.

you like imagining scenarios because they sometimes bring comfort when you are surrounded by hurt and hatred. and sometimes they bring angst scenarios for when you get the want to cry out your pent up feelings altogether with the scene you are imagining.

after two hours, you yawned. "already?" you whispered before closing your laptop as you tried to find the comfortable side on your bed—and when you did, you drifted off to a deep slumber.

 "already?" you whispered before closing your laptop as you tried to find the comfortable side on your bed—and when you did, you drifted off to a deep slumber

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