▪Dominance v/s Love▪

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As Maya turned the page of the dialogue sheet, she couldn't concentrate. Rewinding the past few hours, she felt nothing was bad. What was the reason behind Rudra's strange behaviour? She shrugged it off thinking it to be related to some work issues and management.

As the pain crouched into her, she squirmed on the chair before asking the director for another five minutes break which they had granted her. Obliging to the top's actors request, the debutant director decided to shoot another sequence. Walking into her vanity, she boiled a few millilitres of water before adding some coffee powder. Blowing it, she drank it through the steams wafting through her face. Picking the dialogue sheet, she sat on the small couch of her vanity...

As she tried read to the dialogues, she made sure that she was thorough with those without causing other's any difficulty.


As Maya opened her WhatsApp to make sure that he was going to come, she saw his message which was sent yesterday that he would pick her up. It was 9:34 already and she was still inside the vanity when he told her that he would pick her up by 7:30 yesterday

As she dialled Ritwik's number, she came to know that Rudra left as soon as his time was over. She left angry at that and quite frustrated at that. She was waiting there for mkre than two hours and he didnt even feel like acknowledging it? As she dialled Rudra, he wasn't picking her calls

Bidding a goodbye to her bodyguard, she ordered a cab which took her home. It was almost 10:30 and she was really famished. Sitting on the couch after removing her bag, she arched her head backwards.

She got up within a few minutes and went to the kitchen to see him holding a coffee mug. He was sipping it and she knew that he was unaware of her presence. As he saw her, he turned his gaze to the cup from which he was drinking. He heard her call him," Rudra!"

He walked slowly with the coffee mug intact. As he sipped it slowly, the coffee mug was pushed to the side making the floor dirty. He was angry at that!

R - "What the Hell Maya?"

M - I should ask you the same! Why are you just avoiding me as if I am someone not important? 

Rudra was about to leave when she held his wrist inside her palms. She had gripped it tightly...

"What is the matter with you?" Maya asked while he didn't speak anything and looked at her hold. She realised the intensity of her hold and left his wrist. She saw the marks she had made on his wrist...

"Rudra.." She called him endearingly and he looked to her. He didn't speak anything and it angered her. She didn't like his silence!

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked going next to him and he was about to leave when she shouted, "I am tolerating this from the morning!  I have told you to tell me if there is any problem? Did anyone trouble you?.." SHE shouted while he said,

"That's the point! Why should I tell you and who are you to talk to others on behalf of me?" He asked gripping her forearms while she formed her lips into a thin line. His nails were surely hurting her.

"Who asked you to go and talk to Dev? Did I ask you or tell you anything about it! Did I complain or share it with you? Then why did you go?" He shook her while she asked,

"Then what should I do when you asked me that question?  I got scared when your eyes teared after that question.  When I called Ritwik, I came to know that Dev insulted you in my name. So I went to ask him! What is the wrong in that?"

"Who are you to speak for me? You are dominating me. You are like your screen roles where the woman gathers the attention and outstands every male. They should be under your feet! Is that what you want?"

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