The Brand

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With the path clear Ruby and the others lead The Pyramid Head to the cliff where Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon academy, and Professor Goodwitch await. Professor Goodwitch imidiatly dropped the Scroll tablet she was holding and pulled out her weapon. Her eyes were wide and her hands unknowingly began to shake. Ozpin saw this and carefully grabbed her wrist. She looked to him and he shook his head. The Students were confused not expecting that reaction.

Ozpin then looks to The Pyramid Head and study's the being. The Pyramid Head was still, unmoving, didn't even look like it was breathing. That unnerved Ozpin quite a bit. He quickly notices a symbol of a Rose seemingly branded in its shoulder. Ruby Rose's symbol. He looks to her to see her sheepishly smile if while scratching the back of her neck.

"Miss Rose..." Ozpin starts. "Would you mind telling me who this... friend of yours is?"

"W-well," Ruby stutters. "He saved me back In the forest, and followed us here while fighting Grimm with his-bigswordandthenhekilledanevermoreand..." Yang taps Ruby's shoulder causing Ruby to look at her before realizing she began talking to fast for them to understand. "Sorry. He saved me and kept us safe while coming back here."

Ozpin nods accepting this while Professor Goodwitch tried to contain her completely correct thoughts to run. "I see..." Ozpin states in an oddly calm tone. The Pyramid Head then looked to the right in an agitated motion pushing Ruby behind it as it groans. Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch are shocked by its actions, but look to where it was. A lone Grimm stood. It was different from anything Ozpin or the others had ever seen or even heard of. It was like a dog in looks though covered in spikes trailing up its spine as it's snout was seemingly permanently sealed shut by its own boney armor.

Before any of them could do anything The Dog jumped off the cliff down to the forest below.

"What was that?" Ruby asks in worry.

Ozpin's eyes hardened. "Nothing any of you need to worry yourselves over for now." He says. He looks to Ruby only to notice her shoulder glowing. "Miss Rose? What's going on with your shoulder?"

"Huh?" Ruby looks to see it glowing a bright orange before her eyes widened as she gives out a massive scream of pain. Her shoulder felt as if her skin was being ripped off and burned for moments that felt like hours. Soon she collapsed unknowing to the cry's of panic from her sister, teachers, and classmates.

Ozpin could see the Pyramid head just stand there without any Motion to indicate it was worried. Once the pain started to fade Ozpin and Yang helped her to sit up carful to not touch the shoulder. Ozpin could see what it was that happened yet he was still working on believing. The Rose symbol had been seemingly burned through her cola thing and aura strait into her skin. A brand.

With the Gods of Light and Darkness, Light was furious. "How could you do that to her."

"It had to be done to seal the binding." Darkness states.

"Then why didn't it happen when the Pyramid Head got his?!"

"Because I delayed it till they were in a safer area." Darkness explains. "It was in effect already, but the branding and Pain were delayed. Would you have rather had her suffer that in the forest?"

Light sighs. "No."

Elsewhere on Remnant a man enters his home on the Island of Patch. His name was Taiyang Xiao Long. Upon entering the home he is greeted by the barks of his Little canine friend. A black and white corgi with a red color named Zwei.

"Hey buddy did ya miss me?" He laughs. He looks to couch to see it empty and sighs. Zwei sees this and gives out a whine. "Yeah I miss them too buddy, but they're at Beacon now. For better or worse." He mumbles that last part to himself. He then walks to the kitchen with Zwei following. Tai opens the cupboard, grabs Zwei's dog food and prepares it all while Zwei wiggles excitedly. Tai laughs. "You hungry or something?"

Tai gives Zwei his food before going to the fridge and grabbing an apple. Then his electrical device called a Scroll goes off. He opens it. "Tai here."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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