Dimension Leap

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A being walks the streets of a abandoned town filled with blood, ash, barbed wire, and bodies. The being had the body of a man covered in bloodied barbed wire, and a head made of metal in the shape of a pyramid. As it walks, a screeching scrape of metal on the asphalt caused by the being dragging a extremely large knife like long sword. As this Pyramid Head walked down the street it hears something.

"HELLO!" A voice shouts right behind the being. It turns around to see a futuristic soldier in blue armor. The Pyramid head walks closer and stares at the soldier as if it were looking into his soul. "OH, are we doing a starting contest?! I will win for sur- oh look a button!" The soldier presses a button on the strange device he's holding just as the Pyramid Head grabs the soldiers shoulder. It felt as if they were being torn apart and sewn back together until it stopped. The Pyramid Head takes one look at its surroundings to notice its in a forest. Not knowing wear it is, it wanders around aimlessly. Elsewhere in a void two beings stood, one made of light, and one of darkness.

"Seems Iroh is accepting his new role well." Darkness says.

"It would seem so. Now what are we going to do about-" Light is interrupted by someone tapping on his shoulder, and turns to see the blue soldier. "You again?!"

"Oh, hey, do I know you?" The blue soldier asks. "Gah you just look so familiar."

"Umm, I'm the god of Light. Who are you?"

"I'm Caboose." The soldier says.

"Mr. Caboose," Darkness starts. "How did you get here?"

"OH, yeah I found this shiny button, then I pressed it and it hurt, but then I saw trees, and saw a button so I pressed it and it hurt again, but this time I was here, then I pressed another button and found myself in a scary place, so I was going to ask the strange Pyramid helmet guy where the exit was but I found another button and wound up here, though I do remember pyramid guy touching my shoulder too, but I don't know where he went."

"Huh... wait Pyramid helmet guy?" Darkness asks in a somewhat worried tone.

"Yeah he had a cool sword." Caboose says. Darkness dashed over to a pond holding the realities of Remnant. He quickly scrolls through them searching each one for anomaly's.

" Eleanor Lamb, no. Anakin, no, Iroh, no. Misaka, no..."

"Brother what's wrong?" Light asks approaching.

"Button." Caboose says getting Darkness and Light to look over. He was gone. Darkness quickly returns to his search though deeming it more important.

"There he is. I knew it." Darkness mutters.

"Knew what? Who is it brother?"

"That Caboose person sent one of 'her' creations from Silent Hill."

"Why did it have to be their of all places?!" Light shouts. He sighs. "Do we know which creation it is?"

"Yes. And I have good news."

"What's that?"

"We can keep it from taking control over that reality by binding it to a person. It's the Pyramid Head, so we can Bind it to listen to one who is innocent."


"Precisely." Darkness answers.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Light asks sarcastically.

"Would you rather try sending it back?"

"............Good point."

Back in the forest the Pyramid Head walks into a clearing following the sounds of shouting and battle. What it see's is a group of people with weapons. One, a girl in red with a massive scythe charges in to slash a massive black scorpion with a bone like shell covering it. The Pyramid Head watches the girl judging her as if it were looking at her soul. Her scythe bounces off of the scorpion and she backs up nervously as she shouts something to the other people present.

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