Raya Part 8

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Dedicated to Shinkaiten and laabsmir.


The next time they saw each other a few weeks later, Raya and Namaari had decided to try coffee, a new import from Spine that contained "caffeine."

Apparently Tong swore by it, and Boun had started to include it as a drink at his shrimp restaurant. Even Sisu had given it a chug, although that had unfortunately made her vibrate.

"You good?" Raya asked gently, trying to hold back a chuckle. This drug thing was having an effect on both of them.

Namaari nodded, her ticking legs switched to a new rhythm, alternating in time with each other. Unable to take it, Raya reached over and firmly pressed her palm onto one knee, forcing her bouncing leg to still. Namaari skittered at the touch. “You’re driving me crazy,” she said, pulling back. Her legs stayed still—for the time, at least—but her surprise lingered on Raya.

Within moments her frenetic energy had started up again. Though she’d left space in between them, Raya found herself attuned to the fidgeting fingers, jogging knees, shoulders rolling out their kinks. Her energy was almost tangible. Raya was exhausted just from watching Namaari.

Still, she didn’t realize that her own foot had started tapping to the same beat until Namaari placed the pad of a finger against her knee. She froze, and Namaari instantly pulled away. “Sorry,” she whispered, gripping her hands together in her lap. Raya had no response, unsure what she was apologizing for. Unable to tell if Namaari's ears had just gone pink or if it was the sunset beginning to bloom.

Raya sighed heavily. She'd finally gotten Namaari to be more comfortable around her, and now it was as though they were back to the beginning.

As though Namaari had sensed Raya's lowering mood, she felt her warm fingers pressing into her back. They were steady against her, calming. Perhaps not all was lost.

But then Namaari cleared her throat. "There's something I have to tell you, Raya."

Raya immediately perked up. "Yes?" She questioned hopefully.

"Chief Virana, my mother, expects me to become engaged to Ishan of Fang."

Raya's body seemed to deflate beneath Namaari's touch. She made a conscious effort to hide her sadness and surprise,  grinding her teeth.

"Alright." She squeaked out to Namaari's dismay.

Raya cleared her throat and tried again. "What are you gonna do about it, Dep La? I'm disappointed a bit, I can't lie, but I trust you."

Namaari's face brightened considerably. "Either negotiate or fight him for the throne. I'm in the process of both, honestly."

Raya hesitated. "Is it wise to battle him and risk the fate of your people? They need you, and there's no one better suited or taught more effectively to rule than you, princess undercut." She nudged Namaari playfully, trying to cut the tension.

Namaari didn't budge. "I know I can beat him, and I believe the people and army stand behind me. That must count for something. I should've told you sooner. You must think little of me."

“Yes, you should have.” She tilted her head, temple to temple. “But I don’t think any different of you.” She swept a kiss against her cheek and felt Namaari's body lock up. Her heartbeat thundered against her wrist as she clasped their hands together.

“Alright,” she said finally. “I hope you know, however, that you never have to worry about me.”

Raya stubbornly refused to agree, instead trailing her finger down a long scar that had once been a gash from wrist to elbow. “I’ll stop worrying when this is all over. When we’re all safely away from Ishan and those archaic laws.” Namaari's eyes flicked to hers, then down to the scar and her fingers resting on his wrist. “What’s this scar from?” she asked. “One of the training fights you were in growing up?” Namaari's head shifted, almost imperceptibly. “That was a bad one” she said, but didn't elaborate.

Chewing her lip, she inched closer and grazed a fainter scar across her temple. “How about this one?” Namaari ducked back, forced to lift her head to pull away from her. “Stupidity" she said.

Raya hummed thoughtfully, then dragged her knuckle against the tiniest scar on Namaari's lip. “What about—” Her hand snatched at her, stilling her caresses. Her grip was not harsh, but unforgiving all the same. “Please stop,” she said, even as her gaze fell to her lips. Raya licked them instinctively, saw Namaari's eyes grow frantic. “What’s wrong?” A heartbeat. “Namaari?” She didn’t release her.

Raya reached her other hand toward her, brushing her thumb over Namaari's knuckles. She sucked in a quick breath. Her fingers traveled up her arm, along the bandage and its spot of dried blood. She was taut as a bowstring, plastered against the wall. The fingers grasping her hand twitched. “They’re just … they’re what I’m used to,” she said, voice strained.

“What do you mean?” She saw her gulp. No explanation came. Leaning forward, she found her jawline. The pronounced cheekbones. Her hair, every bit as wild and soft to the touch as it had looked. Finally, Namaari leaned her head into Raya's touch, gently nuzzling her fingers. “It came from a fight,” she murmured. “Just another pointless fight. All of them.”

Her eyes lingered on Raya's lips again. She hesitated. When she still didn’t move, Raya leaned forward and kissed her. Softly. Just once. Barely able to breathe around her hammering heart, Raya drew back enough for warm air to slip between them, and Namaari dissolved before her, a resigned sigh brushing against her mouth.

Then Namaari was pulling her toward her and bundling her up in her arms. Raya gasped as Namaari buried one hand into her mess of waves and kissed her back.


Some paraphrasing and inspiration gained from Marissa Meyer's novel "Scarlet."

^^I feel Raya's hair is a bit wavvy, especially when wet, although we can agree to disagree and that's ok lol.

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