Me brandon and zsadist hid in the shadows we were close
''where are they" brandon was anxious he wanted a fight......a good fight
''relax brandon" zsadist said ''they will get here and besides dont you want to have some fun before they get here?"
I smiled at his eagerness but i do wish that they would hurry with just us three there is no chance we would be able to walk out of there in one piece
''thats it i cant take it anymore" brandon took off
''wait you idiot" i yelled after him
''no im tired of waiting"
''do we help him?" zsadist asked
''hes giving us no choice" we went after him brandon stopped in the middle of the town
''why did you stop?" i asked
''no one is here" he said
I looked around it look deserted ''they couldnt have gone far" zsadist said ''i can still smell them"
''maybe they were coming to us" i said then realized what i just said ''destiny" i ran back
''jace where are you going?"
''magnus and desirea are in danger" i said they followed
We made it back the house was untouched good I walked in it was destroyed. i ran to the room and her body was gone ''MAGNUS" i yelled no answer i didnt even feel his presence i turned on my heels about to walk out but desirea was there
''where is she" she whispered tears running down her face
''i dont know"
''LIAR" she slammed her fist in my chest ''they came and they took her i thought we were safe here"
''im sorry" i said ''where is magnus?"
''they took him to but he didnt go down without a fight"
''jace" i looked at zsadist ''im good at hunting maybe i can track one of them down"
''you have some of magnus's blood in you dont you?" i nodded
''but its been awhile i cant even feel where he is"
desirea looked up at him ''can you track the dead?" he looked at her and nodded ''me and destiny share the same blood so you can track her through me" she said
''are you sure?" he asked shocked she nodded he walked up to her she didnt flinch or anything but i could see the fear in her eyes but she was willing to do this for her sister
''what do you have to do?" she asked
''i have to take some blood from you" he said not moving any closer giving her the chance to change her mind
''do it" she said he leaned in moved her hair away from her neck ''are you sure?" he asked
''yes" she whispered he bit down she let out a small whimper but didnt pull away or told him to stop he pulled away and walked outside he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe in and exhaled slowly
i went to desirea ''how do you feel?"
''a little dizzy and tired" i wrappped my arms around her so she didnt fall
''im sorry to tell you this but you will have to go with us" i told her
''so i can protect you then i will take you home when this is all over"
''please dont argue i couldnt protect destiny and if i just let you die she would probably never forgive me"
''just stay close to me" she nodded ''and if i put you with someone else stick with them dont leave their side unless they say so"
''ok" she climbed on my back
''where to zsadist?"
''to the left" i followed him
''how far?"
''not that far"
We ended up at a clearing ''is that the guy who attacked thhe house?" i asked her she looked up at the man across the field
''yes" i put her down
''remember stay close to me" she nodded
''you caught on quicker than i thought" the man said
''where are they?"
''they are safe.......for now" he said i stepped forward
''what do you want?"
''revenge" he snapped ''you killed my brother and his fiance"
''i didnt kill him he walked into the sun like an idiot" i said
''details doesnt matter you killed him and now im going to kill you"
''you talk to much" zsadist yelled getting ready to jump him
''hold on" i said to him ''one of your men killed my family centuries later nate dies that should mean we are even but now you killed the one person i love and you take her and my butler all of you will no longer exist when im done with you"
the guy laughed ''you sure about that" i heard a clicking noise i looked up in the trees there was another guy up there ''zsadist above you" he fired and we jumped out of the way zsadist looked at me
''now" i growled he went one way and me and desirea went the other ''dont let go of me" i told her
''but hes firing at us"
''yeah theres gonna be alot of that and other things it will be a bloody mess" i told her all i could do was dodge attacks i hated it but i had to protect desirea i was about to take her to a tree so she could hide then i could kill some hunters but a huge hunter was in our way
''oh dam" i said he raised his huge fist i pushed desirea to the side before he made contact he hit the floor it left a big hole he went to take a swipe at desirea i jumped infront of her so he hit me instead
''are you alright?"
''yeah" i gasped ''it just hurts a little" i said i pushed her out of the way from another blow that was all i could do now was take the hits.
Theres Darkness In Everyone
Romancedestiny and desirea are 12 years old living a normal life until someone moves into the abandon mansion. things start getting weird