24. madelynn

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Peeling the duvet from over my face, I squint as the harsh lights attack my swollen eyes and pat around the bed to locate my phone. I know it's sometime in the afternoon on a Friday as Kendall has already been to her last class of the week and Amity has just returned from her shift at the clinic.

Glancing down at my crumpled pyjama set and the array of water bottles and snack wrappers surrounding me, I release a loud sigh. It's been a week since I've actually moved from this position, apart from attending a handful of classes and occasionally popping into the nearest coffee shop, instead I've been watching shit television and focusing all my attention on my coursework. I can't say it's been all negative, I managed to turn in one of my best research assignments I believe I've ever done, my teacher actually took the time to tell me that whatever I had done to produce work like this I should keep it up, I didn't wanna mention it was the fact that my father is marrying a stranger and the boy I think I'm falling for isn't talking to me.

I haven't had any contact with Ashton for nearly two weeks and I really miss him, it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I actually miss him and not just the sex. It was during my shower the other night and flashbacks of him pinning me against the wall whilst buried inside of me, telling me how pretty I am came flooding through and I had to physically stop myself from calling him. I know he doesn't wanna speak to me, he made that clear when he put the phone down on me and travelled back from New York without even letting me know since the original plan was for me to pick him up from the airport. I was going to arrive back in Hillside the day before him so we had arranged for me to pick him up from LAX when his flight got in and we would spend the night at his place, although plans quickly changed when he didn't let me know when he was boarding his plane.

"Yeah" I croak out, sitting up in bed slightly and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. No more then three seconds later, Kendall and Amity's heads pop around my bedroom door, expressions looking a little sheepish and full of pity.

"Hey, love" Amity starts as the pair enter my bedroom, the blonde takes a seat on the edge of my bed whilst Kendall chooses her favourite spot at my dressing table. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug weakly. "Better then yesterday"

It's true, every day is better than the last although I'm not jumping for joy at the idea of my father being with someone new yet.

"Well that's positive" Kendall chimes in. "The group's going to be at Frankie's tonight, do you feel like coming out?"

I already know my answer before my mouth even opens and I think the girls know too. "No, thank you" I shake my head and pull the duvet closer towards me, snuggling under the warmth. Potentially bumping into Ashton when I feel and look like shit is definitely not apart of my agenda tonight, I'll have to speak to him eventually but that will be after all my 'glow up appointments'. "You guys have fun though"

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