4. madelynn

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It's done

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It's done.

After a week of pure stress and comfort eating all of the avocado's and peanut butter dates we had in the apartment, I have finally finished my essay and just handed it in about ten minutes ago. I can't seem to wipe the smile from my face as I look at the two thousand word document sitting in front of me that I certainly don't need to lose sleep over anymore as it's now out of my hands and into the grip of Mrs Sultan to pick and pull apart - which I know she will certainly do.

I place my laptop onto the glass coffee table in front of me and over-dramatically stretch, feeling my limbs pop and click after remaining in the same cooped up position on the couch for the last three hours. Amity and Kendall have actually already been to their classes and returned and I'd still showed no signs of moving when they'd sleepily tumbled back into the apartment. However now I stand and holler for them to come back into the living room, which they'd evacuated to let me work, and skip towards the kitchen.

Kendall enters the living area with her curly hair tied into a chaotic bun and a dark pair of short, tight pyjamas decorating her body whereas Amity appears in a pink silk two piece set and a charcoal face mask plastered on her skin. The difference between them is actually comical and I stifle a giggle as I beckon the pair into the kitchen.

"Looks like somebody got their essay finished" Kendall sing-songs as she takes a seat at the kitchen island, resting her chin in the palm of her hand and fixing me with a knowing grin. Amity joins her on the vacant seat to her right and picks up the half drank glass of wine she'd left and takes a sip from it.

"I did indeed" I grin and grab a cookie mix from the cupboard. "Who's up for making some cookies?"

The duo share a look of astonishment at my random question before bursting into roaring laughter.

"Is it that no calorie, no sugar, vegan, gluten free shit?" Kendall asks after a moment, wrinkling her nose as she inspects the cookie packet.

"Of course" I sigh, pouring my own celebratory glass of wine. "I didn't ask for a gluten allergy my loves, okay?"

Amity chuckles. "I'll help"

I clap my hands in glee and turn to my other friend with a raised brow. "You know what?" Kendall sighs dramatically. "I'm gonna sit and oversee the process so nothing goes wrong, but you two crack on"

I roll my eyes in mild amusement and retrieve a large bowl from the top cupboard, simultaneously pulling up my black sports leggings that have slipped down my waist in the process.

"You're body makes me feel sick" Amity grumbles as she opens the fridge to grab the oat milk and the other fresh ingredients we need. "How are you that skinny but toned too?"

Kendall grunts in agreement as I fix the two with looks of bewilderment. "Okay firstly, I go to the gym three times a week and secondly Amity you're stomach is the flattest ever and Kenny your ass is so juicy I wanna cry, okay?"

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