53. The Mother and the Child

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Hazel's heart dropped as she was once again being pulled up and dragged to a seat.

Azkaban came to her mind. Fear rushed and flooded every inch of Hazel's body, sending her shivering on her seat.

"After hearing from the accused and the witnesses,"

Tears wet Hazel's cheeks at the memory of her last days. She was shaking horribly. Her sobs slipped her throats as she struggled to breathe.

"The court concluded Hazel Gillivray to be,"

But she must pay the price of her crime, Hazel heard herself. She must pay for her Uncle's death, or else she would be forever haunted by it.

"Not guilty."

Hazel heart dropped once more, in huge relief of not having to go back to Azkaban.

Yet her heart was ached.

How is she going to live, knowing that she has killed a man? How is she going to live, heaving such heavy chains of unpunished murder? How is she going to live, while loathing what she had become? A free murderer.

"As there was no concrete evidence than linked Xavier Gillivray's strangling to Hazel Gillivray, it was concluded that the death of Xavier Gillivray was the result of the Keep's magic as it tried to defend its mistress," the man explained.

"However, the Aurors would be allowed to examine the Keep and other Gillivray properties for dangerous and unsafe products of the Apothecary's, to be confiscated," the man continued.

"The Aurors would also be allowed to routinely examine the Keep, to ensure the Keep's and its residence's safety," he said.

"The Ministy's Spirit Division would also be allowed to examine the ghosts of the Keep, to ensure the safety of the Keep's residence," announced the man.

So, that was the price of her freedom? Hazel asked herself. Government interference to the Gillivray's households? It didn't seem fair enough.

Hazel killed a man, her own uncle. But the world didn't seem to mind, as long as they were getting their ways, as long as they gained what they want.

Government interference to Gillivray's households was not the only price, as Mafalda gladly told Hazel when the trial finally ended.

"Make another ruckus, and I'll kill you myself!" Mafalda hissed on Hazel's ear as they walked out of the room, while Rangga was helping Hazel standing and walking.

"Do you know how much we have to bribe that weasel, Mundungus Bagshot? Five thousand galleons, just for the sake of his family name," Mafalda ranted on.

"And that hasn't count to how much we have to bribe the Warlocks of Wizengamots!" Mafalda went on.

"You're lucky that dad has persuaded Dahlia to steer the Warlocks of Wizengamots to your favor, or else you'd be having a Dementor's kiss by now!" hissed Mafalda.

"Why?" Hazel couldn't help but to ask.

"I don't know, something about how he has wronged you in his past," Mafalda answered angrily.

"On to the hospital with you, and don't you dare move a toe out of your bed! I have so much to take care already!" Hazel heard Mafalda stepped away in her sure-footed heels.

"Mafalda," Hazel called.


"Thank you," Hazel told her cousin.

Mafalda answered with an annoyed grunt and walked away.

Rangga, who has been very silent since the trial, accompanied her to a room at St Mungo's hospital. He sat by her without saying a word throughout the healer's examination. And he kept his silence when they left.

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