15. Onward She Goes

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"Thank you for your advice. I'll give it further consideration," was how Hazel concluded their after-dinner discussion. But in fact, she just didn't want to give her grandparents the satisfaction of having steered her to her decision: to take Professor McNully's offer.

That was if she could somehow proposed her resignation to Madam Cokeworth. Hazel's stomach was, again, churning itself around, as she dared herself to approach her boss.

Hazel knew that Madam Cokeworth wouldn't hinder her way to a better prospect. But she couldn't help but to feel like she was betraying her mentor by leaving Madam Cokeworth.

Madam Cokeworth was standing over the same orb when Hazel left the Hall the last day before the holiday. On her earlier days, Hazel would wonder if the Keeper of Prophecy went home at all. But actually, the days where she didn't find her boss on the same place when she left the day before were the rare and concerning ones.

Madam Cokeworth's hands were hovering over the curve of an orb. Her eyes opened just enough to see, but she was not really there. Hazel has learned to wait to be noticed, rather than disturbing Madam Cokeworth's work.

Soon enough, Madam Cokeworth let her hands down and offered a soft smile.

"Yes, Miss Gillivray?" she spoke in her ethereally clear voice.

"When you have the time, ma'am, I'd like to discuss about something," Hazel answered.

"Yes, I have the time, Miss Gillivray. Time is always ours to manage," Madam Cokeworth smiled and summoned two chairs from the far edges of the hall. They flew in the air and settled themselves just behind each witch.

"Thank you," Hazel said as she took her seat.

"Ahh," the centurial witch rest the whole weight of her tiny body to the chair. 

"Tea, shall we?" she offered. And with another sweep of her wand, the tea tray came rolling itself between the high dusty shelves of orbs, sending the soft clings and clangs of its china resonating throughout the Hall.

Madam Cokeworth seemed to be refreshed by her cup of tea, but not Hazel. Even after the warmth of the earl-grey from the self-serving tea tray wet her throat, she still felt it to be completely dry and coarse.

"Now, what is it that hovers over your head?" Madam Cokeworth asked.

Gathering her heart, Hazel let the matter out. "Actually, ma'am," she took another breath, "I've received an offer to fill a teacher post at Hogwarts."

To Hazel's surprise, Madam Cokeworth's wrinkled face rose to a bright smile that lifted to the twinkles in her child-like eyes. "Oh, how wonderful!" she exclaimed.

Madam Cokeworth put her tea cup down and leaned aside to her employee, "At last! At long last, our dear Stella finally took a little bit of responsibility of her own body."

"All of us have somehow accepted that one day we will have to bury her as a block of stone. One of us wondered if we could just leave her there in the garden, as a statue of herself!" Madam Cokeworth joyful laughter echoed within the Hall.

(Yes, untreated Dust-Warts evolve to Stone-Warts, and untreated Stone-Warts evolve the witch or wizard they inhabit to a boulder of stone. But don't worry, they would be dead by then. Organ failures would have killed them first.)

"Oh, it's just too delightful of a surprise! I didn't even foresee it!" Madam Cokeworth continued on with her rather contagious laughter. "And, is it a delight for you as well, Miss Gillivray?" Like being brought back to reality, the Keeper of Prophecy asked her subordinate.

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