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"give us a minute please" chanyeol said and chenle walked away.

"hey sung? it's exo hyungs can we come in?" nothing. "baby please let us in we are just worried. your hyungs want to make sure you're okay." still nothing

"come on love, it's just us the others won't come in with us. just let us in please" finally they heard noise. the pitter patter of jisung walking barefoot on his hard floor.

"baby i know you're in there we can hear you walking around. please just let us in" baekhyun said. they could hear him right on the the other side of the door. then they heard the lock click and the door open. revealing a sight they never wanted to see.

jisungs face was pale but red from crying. his eyes were puffy and so were his cheeks. his nose was running and his eye bags were dark.

"oh baby" was the only think seho could say before jisung dragged the four of them into the room.

once inside he locked the door again and crawled back into bed looking at them.

"why are you guys here?" jisung asked sniffling

"they called us. they are scared shitless sungie jaemin knows he fucked up big time."

"i don't want to talk about it."

"baby when was the last time you slipped?"

"i won't slip anymore. i'm to hard to take care of. i burden them and they only watched me for 2 days. i'm not doing it again.ever."

baekhyun walked over to jisungs bed and sat down next to him "bub you can't do that. it will take a toll on you if you don't. remember when we had you for the hour in the practice room? i haven't seen our members thats happy in a while. you brought them that by being the little you are. you can't not slip babe it's gonna hurt your body physically and mentally."

jisung let the tears fall not caring that they were with him and all four immediately went to hug him. "baby you can slip. it's okay" after getting the confirmation that he could slip. he did. he pulled out of the hug and looked at them with the same looked he gave in the practice room.

"hi baby"


"how about this. i know you want to be with us right?" jisung nodded and baek pulled him onto his lap "we can stay for an hour and then we have to go. so what if we take you to your other hyungs. not nana but your 127 hyungs?" jisung looked hesitant

"they don't know bout me."

"well baby i can call them right now okay? i'm more then positive they would love to see their baby right?" jisung nodded and kai stepped out of the room to make the call.


"what's up?"

"i'm going to tell you this and you need to tell the rest of your 127 hyungs okay?"

"dude you talking like that makes it seem like someone died. what's up?"

"jisung. your maknae it's about him"

"oh god is he okay?  do you want us to get him where is he?"

"no no no it's not that he's fine-ish me and a few of my members are at the dream dorm with him. he got in a little fight with his members and they called us over to help with him. mark. i need you to listen carefully now. jisung is a little. he hasn't slipped in days because he thinks the dreamies don't want to take care of him, we are going to bring him to your dorm so you can watch him and let him be little for a bit. it's not healthy for him to not slip."

"okay hyung ill tell the others"

"thank you mark. from what they have told us and how jisung reacts with us. he likes nicknames like baby babe bub love that kind of stuff. he's always touching someone and after days of not seeing anyone he's going to definitely be touchy. i'll pack him a bag with toys so don't worry about that. call jaemin or one of them about what else you need to know."

"okay hyung thank you. i'll go tell the others."

they ended the call and kai walked back in to see jisung giggling with a dummy in his mouth.

they played for a bit and the they started to back him a duffel bag for the 127 dorm.

"hey baby pick out a stuffed animal you want to bring and some other stuff you like"

jisung walked over to his corner of stuffed animals. he wanted his chick one but he couldn't find it

"chiwk." jisung mumbled

"what's that baby?" chanyeol said looking over to him

"wheres chiwk?" he asked the others

"i don't know baby want me to ask the others outside?"

hosing nodded and chanyeol left the room

"hey um he's looking for a chick? i'm guessing a chick stuffed animal." he said to the four that were sitting on the couch

"oh it's in my room. i've had it since i haven't seen him, i'll go get it." chenle said and ran off to his room returning with the stuffed animal. "he hates us doesnt he?"

"i think it's more he hates himself. he thinks he's a burden when he's little mark called you guys right?" they all nodded "okay well then you know he's going over there for a bit. i think he's just scared that he's ruined things with you guys." he said before walking back in

after a bit mark called and said they were ready for him and so they grabbed his bag and led him out of the room and all four boys that were sat on the couch looked at them with broken faces.

"what's wong?" jisung asked looking at them

"nothing baby, you go have fun with hyungs okay?" jeno said to him

"you no come?"

"no we aren't coming love" chenle said then looked away not wanting him to see the tears in his eyes.


"y-yes baby?" he said after wiping the tears that fell jisung noticed the tear and walked over to him

"hyungie no cry. cry no fun." he said hugging the older boy.

"hyung wont cry anymore, you go play with hyungs okay?" chenle said giving jisung a kiss on the head

"come with?"

"you want me to come?" chenle asked looking at him then everyone else.

"all hyungies come" he said smiling at them all

"are you sure sung?" renjun asked

"YES!!!" he shouted

the four got up and went to their rooms to change, jisung went back to baekhyun and the others.

"that was very nice of you baby" they praised

"they hate me but i no wan dem sad" jisung said and suho pulled him into a hug.

the other four came out and they all walked over to the 127 dorm with jisung in baekhyuns arms. they arrived and all looked at jisung who was looking down with anxiousness until chanyeol decided to knock.

they were immediately greeted by johnny followed by hyuck and taeyong.

"come in" johnny said and they back out of the way into the dorm where the others were sitting on the couch.

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