Chapter I

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Heechul-ssi was coming around a bend surrounded by other cars, some of them shinning as if they were polished with gloss, while others were so dirty that their headlights could barely shine through the old dirt and grit

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Heechul-ssi was coming around a bend surrounded by other cars, some of them shinning as if they were polished with gloss, while others were so dirty that their headlights could barely shine through the old dirt and grit.

A young boy in his late-teens was seated in the passenger seat of their silver Mercedes-Benz beside Heechul-ssi. The radio on its full blast with songs and news about the things going around the world, which no one really cares about.

He eyed the road and the sights of the highway carrying them through Jeju Island. On the side of the highway were lovely green meadows that grew off the side of small hills and lakes, speckled with yellows and whites.

They had stopped and listened to jazz in a small cafe along the road. It was the first time the boy had really listened to jazz. The piano player was blind. He could play well, the whole band could play well, but all the boy remember was feeling sad and alone and observant.

It was a seven hours journey from their home back in Seoul, but for them it had become a ten long hours tour. Heechul-ssi wanted to take it slow and relaxing, stopping at various places sipping tea, having some taste of seafood before making to their final destination.

Something he says savouring the moment. On the other end, the boy was impatient to go faster and farther. A flaw of youth, he thought.

As the bend slowly straightened out, in the distance stood the small town of Jeju. The town seemed to be sitting near the sea from their point of view. It stood there covered in a cloudy haze, and as they got closer, it seemed to stretch over till the endless skies.

The boy pulled down the windows as he felt sweet breeze brushing off his nose, making his eyes watery as the running breeze whipped his dark brown locks over his face. He took a deep breathe taking in the cold air which carried moisture and tasted bit salty unlike the heavy polluted fumes of city.

"Seems like you are already liking this place.", the brunet responded with a nod keeping his eyes on the seaside city.

They passed through many shops and people, the road becoming busier as they drove further. Suddenly a loud grumbling sound emerged from the pits of his stomach when his nostrils were hit with the smoky and delicious fumes from the barbecue places they passed by. Embarrassment hammering into his bones.

"Ahhh please don't mind me.", he said nails digging into the rough material of his jeans.

"Not at all, boy. You aren't the only one hungry here.", Heechul-ssi laughed softly as he patted one of his hand on his stomach keeping the other on the steering wheel, his eyes on the busy road.

It was really impressive how he always laughed of things like its nothing, giving a careless edge to him. But the truth to be told, he was one of the reliable person the boy had ever met. Just like his own dad. Heechul-ssi was best suited for his name, a bright personality and strong enough to counter any hardships. He always thought, this was one of the reason why his mom got remarried to him. He did everything he could to become a good husband and a father, which the lad's dad was once. 

His efforts were clearly visible, as his mom lived her remaining days in contentment and happiness. Now, Heechul-ssi had became both a father and a mother to him. But it wasn't easy for him to get these terms so soon. And he gladly gave him enough time and space which he needed. He was grateful.

The boy rolled up the window, the thought of another awkward situation haunting him. After a few minutes, the road was clear again and they drove towards a less populated area. On one side of the road were few houses with lushness peeking out the veranda boundaries. And on the other, was the glistening sea stretched towards the endlessness. The boy was pulled out of its beauty, when the car stopped in front of a tall rusty gate.

"Here we are!!!!", Heechul-ssi unbuckled his seatbelt in a hurry and got of the car like a kid who was excited to go to an amusement park.

The boy, too, got off the car and took out his heavy backpack stuffed with his own treasures which he didn't want anyone else to even look at it. He was reminded of the dirty looks Heechul-ssi used to throw at times at him preaching him about how he once went through the same stage, that its normal for boys at his age. But the thing in his bag was way different from what the older always imagined.

The younger helped him carry one of the boxes when they saw a big loading truck parked just infront of their car. Of course, the movers were here hours before without taking any detours.

From the outlook, the place looked antique. Corroded old gate, worn out boundary walls, outgrown trees and bushes which reminded the brunet of his own brown locks which were towering over his eyes annoyingly.

But the house past the rusty gate and the small garden was a complete contrast. The house looked like a cut out from some Architects magazine. It was beautiful. But not in the olde-worlde quaint kind of way he was usually drawn to. Everything was geometric, which he guessed one could say about almost any pitched roof abode with square windows, but on this house you couldn't help but notice it. The roof was flat for a start and the door as wide as it was tall. The windows took up entire walls with only polished steel beams to break them into yet more rectangles. The look would have been entirely metallic, like a mini down-town skyscraper had it not been for the cedar beams of the external porch and the matching raised plant beds that contained only white blooms.

A strong arm circled around the younger's neck, weight of a well grown man on his left shoulder. He looked up at Heechul-ssi who was just a few inches taller than him, which the boy desperately wanted to cover that off. He was looking at the house in same manner which the younger was a few moments back awestruck by its strange beauty. He turned at him with a warm smile, as his forehead creased in excitement, the small cut on his right eyebrow standing out. The only flaw on his handsome face.

"Welcome to our new home, Taehyung."

A/n: Here we go with the first chapter of Vestiges. Arrrrgggghhhh (dunno how to express my excitement, so imma just shout)
I tried my very best not to make it toooo vague and boring. Let me know your thoughts about it in comments box and twinkle that lil star ;)))

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