Chapter V

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Taehyung cycled his way through streets and directions unknown to him

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Taehyung cycled his way through streets and directions unknown to him. The ride was somewhat unbearable for him now, since he had a breathing burden sitting - No. Wiggling behind him - at the backseat. The guy whom he had saved earlier and whom he didn't bother asking for his name, guided him to a place which he suppose was his house.

Shouldn't he be in his class right now, Taehyung wondered.

"Heyyyyy!!! You missed the turn."

Taehyung tsked at his nagging voice - but wait when did I get this habit, he thought.

"Its your fault. You should have told me before."

"Sorry that my voice didn't reach your defective ears."

"My what ears???"

"Nothing. Its the wind."

Taehyung was sure he heard him giggle behind him now that he had made a fool out of him. He took a U-turn ahead as they both kept quiet again, except for the guy's occasional right, left or go straight . He sure knows when to open his damn mouth. But it was becoming bit difficult for Taehyung, since something was really bugging him. Why? Is it because you like playing the hero? If not, then-

"Why??!", it was too late when Taehyung realised he spoke his mind out loud.

"What why? Do you mean why I was in that alleyway earlier? Or why I didn't fight back? Well saving that kitty from those bastards was the priority. I was actually going to beat them all into a pulp if you hadn't showed up. Let's just say..... You saved their asses.", the guy laughed as he patted Taehyung's back.

"Was it really necessary? Going through all that trouble.", Taehyung asked, the question bugging him all this time. Not that he cared. He just wanted to know. Is it really necessary? Am I really wrong? Is it why I'm getting punished like this? Maybe I should have saved him. From the very beginning, I shouldn't have ignore-

"They're precious."

"Whatt?!", Taehyung's voice squeaked at his response.

"Cats. They are cute and precious."

Taehyung sighed in disbelief. Is this guy serious? But then, what was he expecting. Some cliche motivational speech. He just rolled his eyes and continued paddling. Where exactly is this guy taking me?, he mentally shouted.

"They are lazy.", Taehyung said.

"They just like sleeping alot."

"That defines laziness.", the brunet argued.

"No. That defines healthy life.", he argued back.

"You are really unbelievable."

"And you talk a lot."

I talk a lot? What he said made Taehyung wonder. Everyone always told him he was a silent guy. Because he never interacted with anyone much. So what happened now? Why was he being like this with a complete stranger? But the real dilemma was - should he consider it as a compliment or an insult?

"By the way, I am Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

"I am Kim Taehyung."

Few minutes after their official introduction, they stopped in front of a small family restaurant. Kim's Diner. Taehyung guessed it wrong when he thought this brat was going to his home. But coming here wasn't really a bad thing, since he was literally starving and Heechul-ssi might be too.

"Kim Taehyung-ssi, let me treat you a lunch. I owe you one."

Taehyung cringed at him being so formal and polite. Just go back to being a brat - he mentally scolded him as he silently followed him into the diner. No extravagant decorative. No no-sense-making paintings. It was just a humble diner run by a couple in their late 50s. Yet the food was amazing. A total contrast of those expensive restaurants in Seoul.

Yoongi really did pay for their food. Guess he is not that of a brat. Taehyung ordered a packed lunch and told them to bill it separately. While he payed for it, he saw a small framed photo at the counter. It was the same couple and a tall handsome looking boy in middle. Maybe their son.

Taehyung hopped back on his bicycle and waited for Yoongi to get on as well. But-

"My home is just a few blocks away from here. I can walk."

"Hahh!!! Did you really think I was waiting for you?"

Taehyun lied. No reason. He just did. Yoongi shrugged with his gummy smile. All his actions were so sluggish.

"Ok then. Until next time, Taehyung."

With that, they parted their ways. Next time, he says. Taehyung didn't think so. Not that he hated him. Not at all. He just makes him the weird one - He is not the one who acts on impulses, or talk a lot. Maybe Yoongi's the weird one.

Well today has been a long weird day. From a recorded stranger to a annoying one. Furthermore, Taehyung didn't wanted to get involved with some trouble-causing rebel. Again.

Jungkook. He suddenly popped in his mind. Had he ever had such weird days? Did he ever rode his cycle in these very streets? Did he ever had lunch at Kim's Diner? Taehyung had no answers and all he could do was wonder.

He dropped the packed lunch at the cafe. Heechul-ssi told him to go back home since there wasn't much work left at the cafe. So here he was, standing in middle of this huge house the sound of the ocean echoing throughout the empty house. He cleaned, did laundry, unpacked few remaining things, tidied up his already-neat-and-clean room.

He plopped back on his bed and watched the clock ticking as it was only 7pm. Why is time flowing so slowly? Maybe I am just jobless, Taehyung chuckled at his own thought. What more could a high school dropout do? He could cook some dinner but that might cost their pretty villa.

His eyes fell on the box of the DVDs which he had kept on the table earlier. No. His mind was against it. But he was also curious about that certain boy. He had his own questions about him. It was his first time being so interested in someone else. It was his first time, he didn't really wanted to be the ignorant him. The one who shut everything and everyone out.

So he took his DVD player out of the drawer and entered the 2nd DVD into it. His fingers hovered over the buttons for sometime in hesitation before he hit play.

A/n: Looks like Taehyung gonna learn more about this bunny guy named Jungkook. Stay tuned and let's see where these vestiges of this unknown boy leads Taehyung to.

P.s. I lowkey love how Taegi keep bickering with each other >.<

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