Chapter Twelve

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Time skip ~ 3 weeks Later ( didnt feel righ about the type 2 thing so this my way of  Changing it without redoign the whole story)

Maya's pov
its been 3 weeks and i'm on meds now that have pretty much taken away all my symptoms of type 2. My port has been removed and i do still have an emergency bag i take everywhere but so far i havent needed it.  

Harry's pov
I'm so glad Maya's better, We've been going on more dates now that we dont have to worry about her blood sugar. I have a plan to surprise her tonight with a trip to L.A. cause she's never been and i want her to see our house cause i was thinking about asking her to move in with me. I have a couple apartments that i'm looking out that are near Tom and Harrisons. 

Time skip ~ Later that day 

Maya's pov 
Harry had called me to the guest room where he was staying now, Harry had pretty much moved in now. Harrison and Tom had left back to L.A a few days ago But Harry stayed here.  Whats up i said sitting on the bed and kissing him, I a surprise for you. Harry no more sur- but i stopped mid sentence with shock when he pulled out Two  first class ticket to L.A. . Harry what. 

Harry's pov 
i been down here seeing you city i thought maybe you wanna come back with me and see my city. Also consider, Moving in with me  like permanently i havea  few places i've been looking at. You dont have to say yes right now but- she kissed me , Harry your rambling   she giggled. Sorry so what do you say. 

Maya's pov 
Harry we've pretty much been living together for like 2 weeks now, i dont see how it would be any different in L.A. Accept without Z and a new place but I would love to come to L.A. and move in with you. I was already thinking of moving there anyway cause i would miss you too much when you left. 

Time skip ~ cause i'm lazy ~ 2 days later 

Maya's pov 
we were almost done packing up my stuff cause honestly i didnt have that much but it didnt take long cause i have Tom, Haz, Harry, Sam,  and  Tuwaine  helping us. We got the house cleared in 2 days and now i was just packing my final 2 suitcases before heading to the airport. 

Time skip again sorry 

Harry's pov 
we Landed at LAX airport and I  helped Maya collect her 4 suitcases.  We sat Down and wait for Tom and Harrison to Come back with the car. We were quickly Noticed and Paps started to how up. We got Up and headed towards the doors, I helped Maya cover her face and apologized as we walked. Harry its ok can we just answer something do they leave us alone please she said as we slowed down. ok i said. 

Maya's Pov 
 Hi are you Harry's girlfriend ?Hi yes i am Harry's girlfriend we've been dating for about 2 and a half months.  whats your name? Miller.  She has a lot of stuff is she moving in with you? Yes she is moving in with me. Just then Haz and Tom showed up and we Ran to meet them, We got in great Timing Haz i said as we drove off. 

Harry's pov
we had been driving for not even 5 minute when i got a notification that Buzzfeed had released on article. Here we go i said Showing it to Maya. 

The article 


Harry has been away for sometime visiting friends In Jacksonville , Florida  and while he was there it seems he got with Maya Miller Who Harry meet back in 2017 while He was visiting Zendaya on set of the greatest showman. At the time Maya Was interning as Zendays Assistant, Zendaya introduced the two and they've been Really close friends  ever since and it looks like their feeling grew to more.  While we Briefly spoke with the couple this morning we spotted a Promise ring on Mayas finger, seems they are getting pretty serious we even notice Harry was keeping her close while Paps were around, Very cute to see him protecting her knowing how fast mobs can get first had. The first day Harry visited Maya was actually attacked by a mob of fans and pushed to the ground. She was not injured we hear just very shaken up. Harry was the one who got her outta the crowd. Seems he cares for her very much and we are here for it. Plus we hear that the ring Harry wears and is often seen playing with when he's nervous we actually a gift from Maya when they Saw each other in 2019  for the Far from Home premier . Very Sweet that he still wears it till this day . # Harya.

Mayas pov 
i smiled reading over the article and did think it was sweet how Harry Never took off that ring. I reached over and held Harry's hand interlocking our fingers and he kissed me hand. I love you he said letting go of my hand and putting his arm around me pulling me closer to him as i rested my head on his shoulder tired from a long morning, i quickly fell asleep. 

I woke up to Harry to gently shaking me awake and i groaned, I hate to wake you cause you look so cute asleep but we're here. i got out sluggishly, and headed inside not even taking time to admire the house as i flopped down on the couch. Come here Harry said sitting next to me and i laid my head down in his lap and Harry played with my hair and rubbed my back as i drifted off to sleep again. 

A/n i know this chapter long  i didnt know to split it. 

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