New Proxie Teresa (Tessa)

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Treads had just gotten off of work when her mom started nagging at her. She just turned 18 and she had such a hard time making friends.  She didn't have any so her revolved around her job. She just wanted to move out of her mom's house. She never met her dad. Her mom was a selfish, cold hearted, and self centered. Her mom walked into Tessa's room when Tessa  just walked into her room to relax for the night

"Tessa, I said I need rent money!" Her mom said and Tessa looked at her.

"I told you I dont get paid till next week. And why do I have tompay rent? I pay all of your bills, I put food in this house. You paid the morgage off last year." This infuriated her mother and she pushed Tessa down.

"Listen here you spoiled piece of shit. When I say I need rent money I need rent money. I wont let you be a free loader." Tessa got up and she pushed her mom back.

"I work my ass off at an dead end job. You quit your job when I got a job. You had more pay then I do. So until you get a job i'm not paying for a fucking thing for you. Get out of my room!" She screamed at her and then the doorbell rang and tessa got the door. She noticed an unmarked package. She sighned for it and she locked herself in her room.

When she opened the package it was pokemon silver. Her face lite up with excitement. "Oh my god, ive been wondering where this has been." She said and she got her gameboy and she loaded it up. She played the saved game. She noticed she had all 8 gym badges and she wanders on a path. Soon a challenger approached that is surrounded by unknown. She battled him and tried to do her best to battle him. She noticed her pokemon that didnt faint they died. Soon she lost the battled. Not long after she lost the battle her gameboy died.

"Huh? Well looks like I need new battleries and a soda." She said and she got up. She walked out and she didnt notice a strange humming coming from her gameboy. She walked into her room and she saw the man she battled sitting on her bed, except he was missing his arms and legs. She dropped what shebhad in her hands andshe leaned against her door till she heard it latch.

"H-hi..." He said and theh he looked at her with a blush. He suddenly cleared his throat. "I didnt know you were so beautiful..I-i should go." He said and she shook her head.

"Silver wait...I didnt mean to be rude, I was just suprised. Please stay...I get lonely here..." Tessa said and she sat on the bed near him and his cheeks went pink.

"I heard the fight your mom and you got into. Im sorry...I wish I could help not make you so lonely.." he said and she smiled.

"Im trying to make some money so I can get out of here." She said and he scooted closer to her.

"I know this all sudden, but you could come live with me and my friends. We live in the middle of the forest,  you dont have to pay rent, you just have to do a few simple tasks that slenderman will ask you to do." Silver said and she thought for a bit.

"Alright. Let me get the hell out here." She said and she began packing a few things that she needed. While she began packing, her mom wandered in.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" She said and Tessa didnt look up as she zipped up her bag. Tessa ignored her and grabbed her gameboy. Tessa's mom slapped her. "I said where the hell do you think you are going." Tessa looked at her and glared at her.

"Leaving. You cant stop me." Tessa said and her mom held up a gun. "You cant leave if you are dead." Tessa panicked and her gameboy vibrated and made a wierd noise ansnsilver was standing infront of her. "Pikachu use thunderbolt!" He said and the pikachu attacks. Her mom dropped the gun and fell to the floor, lifeless. Pikachu grabbed the gun and brought it to Tessa.

"Thank you silver." She said and silver smiled t her. "This way. We need to get out of here."  He said and befire leaving to the woods tessa burnt down her house.

A couple hours later they arrived at the creepy pasta mansion. Slenderman greeted them. "Silver go inside. Let me see if she is worthy of being a proxy." He said and silver walked inside. Slenderman circled her and he went to attack her she jumped out of the way and she pulled out thebgun but that was soon knocked out of her hand. She found a knife on the ground. She noticed it was behind slenderman. She ran at him and slid through the gap in his legs. One tentacle came at her before she could blink she was being held up. She bit down hard and he dropped her. She stabbed one tentacle into the gound she took a running leap and kicked him innhis face. He was knocked down and she pulled the knife up and he clapped. His tentacle wrapped around her wrist. "You are a proxy now." He said and he removed his tentacle and she notkced on her wrist she had a o with an x through it.

Slenderman walked her inside. "Its late, you yould get some sleep I'm pretty sure silver will introduce you to everyone tomorrow. Let me show you to you room. We'll also go over the rules tomorrow." He brought her to a plain room. "This is your room. You are welcome to decorate how ever you Please but that can wait. Get rest...what was your name child?" She looks at him. "Im tessa." slenderman nodded. "Well tessa that is some fighing, anyways get some sleep. " shemwalked into her room and flopped on her new bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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