Minho helps decorate her studio!

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Chan entered his studio and sighed at the image of Baby still working on his computer. Setting his phone and wallet on the couch, he stood behind her and lifted one side of her headphones to indicate his presence.

"You know, we upgraded you to a big studio to prevent this from happening" The leader spoke watching her speed-save everything she was doing in her computer before unplugging it from his set up. "Does the room have something wrong with it that makes it hard to work there?"

"No, but remember that you all judged me for not decorating the place?" Baby asked gatting up from his chair and he nodded sitting down "Well, I ordered a bunch of stuff for it and it arrived sooner than I thought it was going to"

"Oh, that's fine. Just figure everything out and then go back to whatever you're working on"

"Yeah, that's the thing. I saw all those boxes on the floor and just kind of freaked out, grabbed my stuff and came here where everything is neatly organized" The girl smiled hugging the laptop closer to her chest. "I talked with Hyunjin for him to put together a couple of cabinets later, so after that, I'll decide on what to do next"

"Talk with Minho, he's not doing anything right now so he'll help with organizing the rest. That way you don't have to be jumping from place to place trying to find somewhere calm" Agreeing with him, Baby walked away from his studio and made her way to Meanho's. 

She enjoyed organizing and, on some occasions, it was kind of fun putting things back in their place and seeing the final product. But that morning, when she opened the room to find it filled with boxes, the girl instantly backtracked and went off to find someplace else to do her work on. 

Turning around the corner, Baby bumped into Minho who was, coincidently, going to the place she had just left.

"Hey, I was looking for you," He said wrapping an arm over her shoulder "Just passed by your studio and saw you weren't there. By the way, what are those boxes for?"

"Yeah about that..." Baby laughed embarrassed "I might need you to help me decorate the place"

"Oh sure, sounds fun," He said excitedly. Though thirty minutes later, after they had unboxed everything and set it on the floor he did not think it was fun "Bunny-ssi" The boy lifted up a vintage book confused "I'm not going to lie. I don't see the bigger picture with all this stuff"

"Because there isn't one" She itched one of her eyebrows and twisted her neck "I might have bought the first items I saw without picturing them together"

"Then you should probably return a lot of it" Minho laughed getting up and looking at the space from the door. Other than the decorations on the floor, she had a basic studio station set up on the adjacent wall and a small couch on the other one, giving anyone who came inside a big blank wall "Maybe getting some shelves over there would make this easier"

"I bought some furniture stuff, it's getting built later" She huffed getting up as well "There's nothing for us to do, then?" 

 "I mean, there is. That frame would look good over there" He said pointing at a picture and then at the wall behind the couch "You know, does any of this inspire you? Because if none of it does then there's no point keeping it around"

Sighing, Baby looked around the floor and at the walls "I'm not sure"

"Then return it all and let's go online look for something that does" Minho cheered clapping "Our job here is only starting, it's going to be so much fun"

Later that day when Hyunjin dropped by to put together the cabinet and coffee table she had gotten, she would have asked for somebody else to do it but he insisted he could, Minho was laying on the couch and Baby sat on the ground next to his head while scrolling down on her computer.

"Are you two having fun?" The younger snorted opening a packet of screws and dropping them on the ground. Baby hummed and closed her eyes, resting her head on a cushion "We just bought a set of minimalist paintings to go on that wall"

"It should look nice. Why are you two so defeated?"

"Because it took us the whole afternoon to buy them" Minho groaned turning on his back and stretching "You know, for someone who's doesn't like cluttered spaces, Baby is a lot of work" 

"I'm sorry but I would get severely distracted if there's a lot of stuff around me, and it would be insanely hard making sure they're all in place" The girl went into a slightly higher pitch as she defended herself making Hyunjin laugh and Minho scoff. The latter taking the computer from her and setting it on his lap as he browsed the stores they had opened.

After a moment of searching he stopped to ask her for opinions "If I get you a set of matching decoration pieces for you to put on that fancy bookshelf are you going to be satisfied enough or will we need to get something else for the couch wall"

"Do they match the frames of the drawings and the frames of the bookshelf?" Baby asked back after a moment of thought and he confirmed "Then that should be fine. Though maybe we should take a look at cushions for the couch and a rug for the floor"

"Okay but which color since everything else is brown or black?"

"Maybe something blue or beige" The girl mumbled making him laugh. 

"I know I haven't decorated many spaces before but this is the most boring one I've ever done"

"Hey, you said it should inspire me" Baby turned to him with a raised eyebrow and Minho pinched her cheek still mocking her. 

"Yeah, but what inspires you definitely doesn't motivate me"

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