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Blakely POV

               I was laying on my back on my bed just thinking about life when one of my members slowly makes their way into my head. That specific member has been living rent free in my brain for a while now...it was Felix... As I stare at the ceiling I think about his smile and his laugh and everything about him that I love. I start to smile a bit until I realize what's happening...I quickly get up and run.

Chan POV

           I'm in my studio as per usual when Blakely comes barging in breathing a bit heavily? Did she run here? Anyways, I turn to her and look at her confused,
  "You alright?" I ask her. She starts to ramble about something I can't understand, why you may ask? Because she's not speaking Korean or English. She's speaking Greek...something is wrong...
  "Νομίζω ότι μου αρέσει ο Felix! Ξάπλωσα στο κρεβάτι μου και σκέφτηκα, αλλά συνέχισα να τον σκεφτόμουν. Δεν θα μου φύγει από το μυαλό! Όταν βρίσκομαι κοντά του, είμαι ντροπαλή και δύστροπη. Περισσότερο από το κανονικό .. ξέρεις τι γίνετα?" I look at her for a bit then say
  "Sweetheart I don't speak Greek..." She sighs and repeats herself in Korean
"I think I like Felix! I lay down on my bed and think, but I kept thinking about him. It will not leave my mind! When I am near him, I am shy and awkward. More than normal .. do you know what happens?" I stare at her
  "How long have you felt this way?"
  "4 months...why?" She replies
  "You're in love with Felix baby..."
  "But we're not aloud to date..."
  "We could be, but JYP favors you over basically anyone in the company. He may allow you to date Felix if you tell him."
  "But what if Felix doesn't like me back?" She pouts a bit at the thought. I sigh softly and pull out my phone with her watching me. I call Felix and put him on speaker phone signaling Blakely to be quiet. She puts her hand over her mouth making me smile as Felix picks up.
  "Hey Felix"
  "Hi Hyung, what's up? Also have you seen Baby?"
   "I actually have a question about her, and no I haven't seen her"
   "Alrighty, what's the question Hyung?"
   "Do you have feelings for her?"
   "I um..I do..."
   "For how long?" I make eye contact with Baby as he speaks. Her eyes widen
   "Since I first saw her basically.."
   "Thank you very much. Also Baby is in the room with her and heard everything, she has the same feelings. Bye bye!" I hang out quickly and turn to her again..her mouth and eyes are wide making me laugh a bit. Her phone starts to blow up, from Felix of course. She looks at them then looks at me, I wave to her knowing he wants to talk. She waves back slightly and leaves my studio.

Blakely POV

                I walk back to the dorm to see Felix waiting on the couch in the living room. He sees me and grabs my hand leading me to my room. He sits at my desk while I sit on my bed
  "So we like each other..." He starts off. I nod while staring at him, he mumbles something while looking at me
  "Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know we have to talk to JYP-nim before we can really be official if he says yes but...would you?"

Felix POV

           She smiles big and nods
  "I would love to, should we talk to JYP-nim tomorrow morning?" I nod and get up. I go over to her and kiss her forehead then leave her room saying
  "Goodnight love" in English knowing my accent makes her shy. She giggles softly and says goodnight in Greek. I blush a bit and walk to my room.

In the morning we speak to JYP-nim, luckily he allows us to date but not in the public eye for a while. We agree and keep it quiet. We tell the members incase they walk in on something so they know to be careful and to knock. They all are happy for us and wish us good luck with everything.

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