Team 7 ✓

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(A/N: Updated version, 8/26/15; I was reading back on a few old comments, and I just want to clear this up again! Ookami is 22 years old, lmao.)

Ookami's POV

I stared at the raven haired boy, and he stared back. He just has to be one. His features scream Uchiha, and I can sense it in his attitude. Not to mention, I feel connected to the boy... I thought.

(A/N: Background info which I suggest you read!) You see, the Chi clan and Uchiha clan were good friends back in the day. A strong bond had grown between both Madara Uchiha and my great great grandfather, Ryuu Chi, whom was the Chi clan's leader at the time; like how Madara was of the Uchiha's.

Our clans were not related, although many outsiders thought so. Mostly because both clans shared the trait of black hair and onyx eyes, like myself in my human form... But that changed once I was transformed into a wolf; my normal black eyes were replaced with two, molten yellow eyes.

But anyways, over the years, a mental connection between the Uchiha and Chi clans grew as they became closer. When they were around each other, they could sense it; it was like instinct. I had never really made any friends outside the Chi clan, however. My parents never allowed me to enter the Uchiha grounds... The only non-Chi friend I made disappeared when I was 13...

And ironicly enough, considering my situation, the Chi clan was a clan of wolves. Like how the Inuzuka clan was a dog clan. The Chi and Inuzuka were also close, but we were more like rivals.

And by a wolf clan, I mean that the Chi were partners with wolves, like how Inuzuka's partnered up with dogs. But when I was 13, my entire clan was slaughtered. That included the wolves, as well.  In fact, the Chi slaughter happened on the same night of the Uchiha slaughter.

I was the only Chi left. That fact never really bothered me, though. I had been alone my entire life, even when I was surrounded by my clan. At the time, I had heard about the Uchiha clan slaughter, though I wasn't aware anyone actually survived. But at this exact moment, I realized that I was wrong.

I stared at the Uchiha boy, and he stared right back. He seemed to know I was a Chi, based off of the immediate connection when we locked eyes. Well, at least knew I had felt it.

The boy strolled over to me and kneeled down to my level.

"Sasuke, stay back! That's a wild animal!" The Hokage warned, eyeing me warily. His eyes drifted to Kakashi. 

"Why did you bring this creature into my office, Kakashi?" He asked.

Kakashi laughed nervously. "W-well... You see, I tried to make it leave back at the gates, but it kind of fought back... Almost as if it were a shinobi. I think it might be a ninja hound... Rather, ninja wolf." He explained.

The Hokage nodded in understanding and looked down at the boy, whose name was apparently Sasuke. "Stay away from it, Sasuke." He warned.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and glanced back at the Hokage. "Don't you see? This is a Chi clan wolf. I can sense it..." He said.

Oh, but child I am not a wolf... I sighed mentally.

The Hokage's eyes widened. "But the Chi clan and its wolves were wiped out years ago!" He exclaimed. Sasuke nodded, remembering that day vividly.

"I can sense it. I have no doubt about this, Lord Hokage." He said, bending down and scratching behind my ear.

Of course, being a wolf all these years, I had grown accustomed to this body, and its soft spots. At the contact I whined, tilting my head forwards as he scratched my ear.

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