Breath. short oneshot

747 25 28

Date, in fanfic: 3021

Its kinda a Bakugo-centric fanfic but izuku plays a big part in it🏃‍♀️



(Me sliding in here to edit this story because me is bored beyond belief)
(Also this story is shit. Im sorry it took me over 2 months to realise ;))


Take a swan dive off the roof of the building... building... building... Kacchans words haunted Izuku's memories, like a broken scratch record. Izuku shuddered dropping his yellow bag to the floor, it toppled over his red shoes that were placed messily behind him.

The boy stood on the edge of the school as the clouds parted; the sun gleaming on him as tear drops trickled down his cheeks. washing away his dotted freckles. his hair waving through the wind as the sparkle in his eyes slowly disappeared.

His tear drops rolled down his face, sliding to his chin before plummeting down far. Miming his future death.

Narrator pov:

Katsuki was called to the principles office to discuss his choices for a high-school as was everyone else. He told his followers to fuck off and stop smoking before leaving them.

Dude dont you think that was a bit harsh? Even for me... didnt you know that kid? He asked looking up at the fuming boy. Katsuki scoffed rolling his eyes im just giving him an easier way to death then signing up at ua. Plus, he's too fixed on becoming tHe nExT aLl mIgHt to actually do it. He brushed off his words deadpanned. That was a problem for future him to handle.


And it certainly is.

A small churning pooled in his gut;He frowned. His moist fingers combed through the roots of his hair before stopping at the middle when he felt that churning again.
Damn stomach what the heck?! He internally shouted.

This feeling would probably go away...


Hes Bakugo-fucking-Katsuki a small stomach ache will not drive him away from his goal.

It was a stomach ache... right?

He stood infront of the marron painted door.
All that deep internal thought shit the school therapist went on about really got to him so much he was doing it. So that must be what it is. And he made it to the door without interruption so that was good. He wondered where the scrawny little shit deku had gone off too. Meh.

the glass just making out the principles desk. his hands brush the door knob and he suddenly feels a sharp pain in his gut, again. He stood back, feet stammering and felt the urge to leave the building. like it was an instinct.

My letter and that teacher can wait, i need to find out and burn to ashes what the hell is bothering me so much. His thoughts spiralled:

roof of the building... building... building... those words echoing in his head. he winces and clenches his fists, fastening his pace through the hall.


What the hell?

Whats shitty deku doing up there?!

"F...father?? O..old man stop playing with me..." he neared the hanging body. His hand trembling, he reached for the mans top where a note was stuck to it.

Im sorry.

-Masaru Bakugo, dad

No. It was just a dream. Dad is still there in the living room on the computer. He inwardly reassured himself squinting. By time he opened his eyes again. The green head of hair was gone...



His eyes darted around frantically. His body moved slowly towards the building before he came to a hault.

"..." he trembled. His mouth slipped open just before his legs went on auto-pilot. They darted towards Izuku's falling body.

His arms flailed before firmly placing themselves behind his back. He lept forth, the light from behind him catching up to him in a flash.

Next thing he knew, his hands were underneath a relatively small body. The thrust of the wind forcing the two to have their eyes shut. But they fought through it. And pryed them open.

Tears pilled in Izuku's eyes.

All he saw...

Was kacchan..

And that was all he needed right now.

He wrapped his arms around the blond's neck, his head in shoulder dampening the black felt like clothing.

"IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY-" his words spluttering out like a train crash. His mind racing as his head pounded. It was like a migraine. Probably was.

Couldn't tell the difference between the two..

Katsuki looked back.

They were falling at a faster pace then he anticipated. He swapped their positions, izuku ontop of him.

His eyes dilated before in an instant-

The land was swift. and almost acted as if it was harmless. midoriya's head on bakugou's still temple. the greenette's eyes hitched open as the wind brushed against their bodies. Midoriya grunted as he realised..

roof of the building... building... building.. "K-Kacchan... why... w-why" he winced as the boy struggled to lift himself up. "WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY. WHY?!" He screamed. smacking his hands against the blondes shoulders.

The wind stood still. and small drops of rain fell from the sky. inches away from the blondes face Midoriya barricaded his eyes shut "K-KACCHAN WHY... y-you w-wanted thi-" the gap between them closed.. the blondes hands cupping Izuku's cheeks. their lips parting from a sweet kiss. a memory of a lifetime. as Bakugous hands dropped to the ground. his head tipping back as he drifted off. his eyes shutting. deku's head raised. the boy was speechless.

Tears flowing from the boys water-stained face. " damn n..nerd" his last words for a while left his mouth and the his body softened.. Izuku gripped the back of his head with his two hands; teeth clenched together. Droplets splashing on the blondes pale face..

"kacchan....." he strained....

it was as if time stopped itself. it was just the three of them. together. bakugou, midoriya. and their memories...

*listen, this story was shit beyond belief so pls dont credit me- I edited it lazily and probably will be another 2 months before i even look at this story again.

i had fun writing this- maybe ill make it he wakes up in hospital? NADSKNA ILY AND YOUR ANIMATICS MARIKAAAJOY <3333 your so underrated i cant even-

Ok bai-

BNHA FANFIC|| BREATH. BAKUDEKU SHORT ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now