Xingqiu ➛ The Library (old)

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The Library
Xingqiu x Reader
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(This chapter is so old please read at your own risk, I promise to edit it at some point)
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You hated studying. You hated how it took up your time when you could be out adventuring and having fun defeating lingering monsters, but at the moment you had no other choice. A test was occurring soon in Liyue for young adventures with a big prize for the top winners, and you being the competitive person you are, you just had to win.

At the moment you were situated at the library with a bundle of history books surrounding your figure at small round table. Your nose was far to into a Liyue history book to notice the young man approaching your table.

"Um, excuse me? May I ask what you are doing?" The mysterious man asked.

"Oh, Umm..." You paused to admire the person in-front of you.

He had short blue hair with the most beautiful golden eyes you have ever seen. He was also wearing some admirable fancy clothes, but you had been staring for to long the boy started to worry a bit.

"My liege?" He asked while you jumped out of your trance.

"Oh I'm just studying for the new adventurer test, I'm sure you've heard about it. It's been the talk of the town for quite some time now." You said as you brought some of your hands to the back of your neck as you gave a weak smile, still embarrassed form being caught staring.

"Why yes I have. I'm Xingqiu by the way." He said as he bowed slightly.

"I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You said as a awkward silence fell between the both of you.

"So, what are you doing here?" You asked trying to break the said silence.

"Oh well I heard the library just got a few new books, so I came to see if the book I wanted was one of them. But with my luck, it wasn't sadly." He said in slight disappointment.

"That's ok I'm sure you'll find it sooner or later." You said as you gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ya I do hope so... Well I must be on my way now, best of luck to you and your studying." He said as he turned around making his way to the door.

"Wait!" You called only to get evil glares by other residents also situated in the library.

What were you doing? You didn't even know, but you did know that you couldn't let Xingqiu go. There was just something about him that made you want to get to know him even more.

"Hmm?" He asked as he turned about around to met you flushed face.

"I umm... Do you maybe want to hang out later? Not to sound weird or anything but I would like to get to you you better..."

Xingqiu let out a soft chuckle at your cute action, "Of course, then how about at 6 o'clock we met in-front of the library? Maybe we could take a nice walk around town."

Your eyes widened not expecting him to say yes so quickly, "That sounds great, see you later!"

Then he turned to leave the library for real this time while you sat back down in your seat. You tried to get a bit more studying in but you couldn't stop thinking about how you would hang out with that handsome boy you just met later.

⊹⊱•••《 Time skip 》•••⊰⊹

It was now around 5:30 and you were at your house trying to decide what clothes you would wear while putting on a bit of makeup.

'What am I doing? It's not like this is a date or anything, ugh!' You thought to yourself. 'I totally don't even like this guy like that... who am I kidding, Xingqiu is probably the most handsome boy my age I have ever met! Jesus, stop being so cringy y/n.'  you mentally scolded yourself.

After a few minutes of rummaging through your closet you found a nice outfit but it wasn't to fancy at all, it was perfect.
(I'ma let you use your imagination on this one because all I ever wear is sweatpants and sweatshirts)

You took a quick look at your phone, '5:55'.

"Oh crap" you mumbled before slipping on some shoes and making your way toward the library you were at just a few hours before.

There sat the blue haired male on the steps of the library with a book in hand. You chuckled, 'This guy really is a big book worm huh?' You thought to yourself again.

That's when you went up to him but after a minute he still didn't notice your presence before him. "Xingqiu?" You asked but he still didn't answer. You then tapped his shoulder only to then get his attention.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see your there, my liege." He said as he stood up while he was a good inch or two taller than you.

"Shall we get going." He asked while he held out his arm for you to wrap yours around.

You gladly took his arm with your as you started to make your way toward the middle of Liyue Harbor.

You both stopped to look at shops and Xingqiu even bought you a pearly necklace, so much for this not being a date, huh.

After a while the sun was now setting while both of you sat on a dock with your legs hanging over the peaceful water with pink and orange sky above you. You swayed your legs back and fourth as you looked at the sunset's reflection in the water.

Xingqiu was amazed by not only the wonderful sunset but also how beautiful you look as the light bounced off of your features. But how could he already be in love with someone he just met? Could he even call it love? He didn't know but he knew that you surely made him fell some sort of way.

"Hey, Xingqiu?" You asked suddenly which snapped him out of his daze.

"Yes, y/n?" He responded looking at your beautiful eyes.

"I had a lot of fun today, so thank you!" You said as you turned to him with a smile on your face.

"Oh really? Well I had a lot of fun, too." He said returning the smile.

Suddenly you leaned in and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Your lips where so soft when you met his skin and he loved it. Both of your faces immediately went a dozen shades of pink, but Xingqiu wanted more attention.

He slowly grabbed your hand and held it tightly in his own as you both enjoyed each other's company as the last bit of light faded below the horizon.

But that's only the beginning with your journey together, and it all started at the library.

⊹⊱•••《 End 》•••⊰⊹

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