Making x Money

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Gon sat on a chair in front of a small table waiting for people to arm wrestle with him. Leorio was yelling and asking people to arm wrestle with Gon for a diamond worth three million Jenny.

Killua was standing next to Gon holding the diamond showing it off to people. You were sitting next to Killua waiting for more people to arm wrestle with Gon. Gippy was sitting in the back holding her stuffed penguin named Jay.

A man walked up to Gon to arm wrestle with him and Gon of course won. After a few people arm wrestled with Gon, you got bored and stood up and walked over to Gippy. You looked down at Gippy and said, "Hey Gippy, how's Jay doing?" Gippy looked up at you and said, "Pretty good, but I think he's hungry."

You smiled and said, "Wanna go get some ice cream then?" Gippy nodded and stood up. You walked over to Leorio and said, "Me and Gippy are gonna go get some ice cream. Want anything?" Leorio shook his head and Gon said, "Hey Y/N! Can you get me a mint chocolate chip please?"

Killua looked over at you and said, "Can you get me a strawberry?" You nodded and grabbed Gippy's hand and said, "Come on, let's go."

You guys walked over to the ice cream stand and a short man with a goatee and big eyes said, "Hello, what can I get you guys?" You looked at Gippy and she said, "Can me and my stuffed animal have a banana split with extra cherries please?"

You looked at the guy and said, "I'll have a Cookies and Cream, a strawberry, and a mint chocolate chip please." The man walked out of the back holding all of your ice creams and said, "That'll be four hundred Jenny." You nodded and handed the man the money.

You and Gippy walked back holding all of the ice creams and on your way back, you saw Gon wrestling a petite young woman with short layered black hair and brown eyes. She had a large bust, slim waist, and wide hips, giving her an hourglass figure. She wore a black turtleneck and jeans, accessorized with black-framed glasses and a necklace with a cross on it.

It was Shizuku. You looked over and saw a small man that had black, mid-length hair, grey eyes, and a pale complexion. He wore dark and baggy long-sleeved clothes, and a bandana sporting the trademark skull crest over his mouth and a tall man standing next to him.

It was Feitan and Franklin, meaning the phantom troupe was there. You listened in on their conversation and heard Feitan say, "There is no time..." The Phantom Troupe then walked away. Gippy wiped strawberry ice cream from around her mouth and asked, "Hey Y/N, was that the Phantom Troupe?"

You nodded and said, "Yeah, it was. Just stay close to me for now." You guys walked back to the stage and gave everyone their ice cream. A few hours later, it was nighttime and Gon was still arm wrestling with people. You looked over at Killua and he was still eating his ice cream. You then remembered which episode this was in Hunter x Hunter. The same one where Baise got killed by Franklin.

You stood up and walked over to the same auction hall where it happened. You walked inside and saw Feitan speaking at the mic, with Franklin standing behind him. You quickly ran outside of the auction hall and crouched down inside of a bush. After a few seconds, you heard screaming and gunshots, most likely coming from Franklin. You covered your ears and used Zetsu to hide your presence so the Phantom Troupe couldn't find you. After a few seconds, a bunch of people wearing black suits and carrying big guns ran inside the building. After they were all gone, you stood up and snuck inside.

You looked around saw Kurapika hiding behind a pillar. You walked up to him and said, "Hey Kurapika!" Kurapika looked at you and said, "Y/N?! What are you doing here? Wait... was Gon and Killua at the auction?"

You shook your head and said, "No, they're safe and back hanging out with Leorio and Gippy, and I just wanted to come see you and say hi." Kurapika pat your head and said, "Okay... good, but you must be going now. Something very important is going on now, and kids like you shouldn't be involved in something like this."

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