Hisoka x Versus x Kastro

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You all sat down in a seat in the Battle Olympia and saw Hisoka and Kastro standing in the rink. The fight started and Kastro lunged at Hisoka. Kastro hit Hisoka and everyone in the audience gasped.

Hisoka's cheek was bleeding, and he simply wiped away the blood. Kastro lunged towards Hisoka, and got another clean hit on Hisoka.

Kastro kicked Hisoka, and made him face plant into the ground. Hisoka stood up and dusted himself off. Kastro suddenly got a green aura around his hands and he tore Hisoka's arm off.

Everyone in the audience gasped, but Gippy was smiling happily. Hisoka's arm was flying through the air and Hisoka smiled.

Hisoka caught his arm and covered it with a scarf. He threw the scarf up in the air and his arm disappeared and was replaced with cards.

Kastro lunged forwards and took off Hisoka's remaining arm. His left one. Suddenly, he put his right arm behind his back, and took it back out from behind his back to reveal that his right arm was back together again.

Hisoka chuckled and launched his magic cards forwards towards Kastro, which penetrated him in his, chest, arms, and legs.

Hisoka won the battle.

Everyone in the audience was shocked. You stood up and Killua and Gippy looked at you. Hisoka snuck off somewhere, and you were going to follow him. Using Zetsu, you covered your presence and followed Hisoka to a dark hallway. In the hallway, a girl with a pink ponytail and blue eyes stood there.

You gasped. You thought to yourself, "It's... Its Machi. From the Phantom Troupe. Why is she here?" You backed away and ran back to Killua and Gippy.

Killua looked at you and said, "Where were you?" You looked at him and faked a smile. You simply said, "I went to the ladies room. My apologies."

You all went back to the 200th floor and went back to Gon's room. Gon was sitting on his couch, so he could see when you guys came in. Gippy saw Gon and lunged into his arms and hugged him and said, "Gon! I missed you! It was so boring without you."

Gon smiled and said, "How was Hisoka's fight? Tell me!" Killua walked over to the window and said, "Boring. Don't worry, you didn't miss much."

You looked at Killua and smirked then crossed your arms. You chuckled and said, "Boring?"

Killua looked back at you and said, "Okay, I was lying. It was an incredible fight. I watched Hisoka win and I still don't know how." He looked back at you guys. "We've got to learn all that we can about Nen." Gon smiled and nodded.


You woke up from sleeping in your bed. You got up and walked to your bathroom. You washed your face and brushed your teeth. You walked over to your closet and picked out an outfit. Most likely, Wing was going to teach you all more about Nen since Gon's two months are officially over.

You looked through all your clothes and decided to wear a black tee shirt paired with a striped long sleeve underneath. You put on a black pair of jeans and topped it off with a black belt.

You examined yourself in the mirror and smiled.

You put on some black and white converse and left your room. You walked over to Gon's room and already saw everyone in there. Killua rolled his eyes and said, "There you are. Four-eyes called us over to his office, so let's go."

You all walked to Wing's office and he said, "Starting today, you will all be training alongside Zushi." Killua looked at Wing and said, "Mr Wing, you saw Hisoka's and Kastro's match?"

Wing nodded. Killua said, "So what was Hisoka's ability? Do you think we could do that? Send our limbs flying all over the place?"

Wing said, "That's a difficult question. Gon. Have you seen a recording of the fight?" Gon shook his head. Wing pulled a CD out of his pocket and said, "Then I'll explain while we watch."

Wing paused on the part when Hisoka threw his arm into the air. Wing said, "See the strands of aura extending out from his left hand? See, Hisoka is using a technique that makes his aura exceedingly difficult to perceive. It's a high-level application of Zetsu known as In. It renders even powerful aura invisible to your opponent. And to counter this, you must focus all your Ren in both your eyes. That is Gyo. The method Gon used in his fight with Gido might also be useful. My assignment for all of you is to practice Ren until you can see through Hisoka's In."

Wing walked over to a nearby calendar and said, "I believe the last day of Killua's window to compete is June ninth. Y/N's is the twelfth. Gon's is the tenth. And I believe Gippy's is the eleventh. All of you guys should register to fight on your final day. In the meantime you'll train. You all must learn Gyo before you enter battle."

Finally, you were all excused to leave.

You all left Wing's office and walked back to Heaven's arena. On the way, Gon smiled and said, "How about we all practice a little? It should be fun!" Killua made a cat face and said, "Okay. Then let's go up to your room, Gon."

You all got back to Heavens Arena and went to the elevator. Gon gasped and said, "Y/N, Gippy, Killua." Gippy furrowed her eyebrows and said, "I feel it." Killua crossed his arms and said, "We've got company guys."

You guys got to the 200th floor and saw 3 men standing in the hallway. One man was wearing a red robe and conical hat from his torso up, and a breathing mask underneath it. It was the guy Gon fought. It was Gido...

One of the other men was a tall man with slanted eyes, thin lips, a pale complexion and a face similar to a mask.

The last man was a man of average size, he had purple spiky hair and seemed to move around in a large big wheeled motorized wheelchair.

Gippy pointed at Gido and said, "He is into some kinky shit."

Killua put his hands in his pockets and said, "You don't give up do you? That isn't the way to make friends."

The tall man with the face that looked like a mask said, "Just tell us when you're going to fight, because I'm dying to be your opponent."

Killua looked over at you guys and said, "I guess these guys specialize in hunting newbies. This is what they do. Get wins beating us up."

The tall man talked again and said, "We're getting desperate here. See, our deadline in approaching. C'mon. We wanna fight."

You opened your mouth and said, "We don't care that your deadline is approaching. We aren't gonna fight y-"

You were cut off by Gon.

Gon said, "I'm gonna be fighting on June the tenth."

Killua looked at Gon and said, "Gon!"

The tall man started talking. He said, "That won't work for me. My deadline is May 29th."

Killua clenched his fist and said, "Who cares about your stupid deadline, you idiot? Let's get going..."

The mask guy said, "Gon, my friend... You and I will fight. I guarantee it."

Killua kept walking and said, "Come on Gon. Ignore him."

On your way back to your rooms, you had the urge to stop. You said, "Guys. Go on without me."

They did as you said and you snuck back to where they were. You used Zetsu to cover your presence and listened in on them. A voice said, "What are you gonna do?"

The tall man chuckled and said, "I'm gonna force him to fight me."

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