I x Caught x The x Bomber

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You walked over to Killua and put your hand on his shoulder and said, "Killua, it's okay. I'm fine." Killua started to calm down and looked at you.

You giggled at him and Hisoka walked towards the exit of The City Of Love. Everyone started talking for a while but you spaced out for most of the conversation.

Gon raised an accompany card in the air and yelled, "Accompany on! Tsezguerra!" Before you knew it, you and the rest of the group was standing in front of Tsezuguerra and his guys.

You guys started talking to Tsezuguerra about whether or not if you guys could recruit him to fight alongside you guys against Razor and the rest of the pirates.

Gippy pulled you aside and asked, "Hey Y/N, do you think we can do it?" You smiled and said, "Of course we can! We have some good and strong people." Gippy laughed and said, "I guess you're right! Based off my memory from the show, we're gonna have to play volleyball, right?"

You nodded and Gippy sighed and said, "Then we've got this in the bag. From all the nights of binge watching Haikyuu, I know we'll do great!" You laughed and heard a jumping noise come from behind you.

You turned around and saw Gon and Killua in the air. You ran over and said, "I wanna do that too!" You used your Ren to launch yourself into the air with Killua and Gon.

Killua was higher than you and Killua, so you used your fire power to give you a boost by shooting fire out of your hands. Killua looked up at you and said, "That's not fair! You cheated!" You guys headed back to Razor's place and asked him for a rematch.

You guys started with boxing, and your team won. You guys also won bowling, basketball, ping pong, and everything else. Razor stepped up and chose for you all to play dodgeball. Suddenly, eight creatures came out of the ground, each with a number out of eight on their shirts.

You guys started the game.

You took a deep breath as Razor explained the rules. As the ball got thrown into the air, Killua jumped into the air and hit it. Two opposing players were down. A ball hit Tszegura in the back, getting him out.

Killua caught the ball and passed it to you. You infused the ball with your fire and threw it at an opposing member, getting them out. The ball then flew to Hisoka and he caught it. He used his bungee gum to try and throw it at an opposing member, until they merged with another member of their team.

You, Gon, Gippy, and Killua used Ken for protection, until Razor threw the ball at Gon. Throwing Gon back and the ball in the ceiling. Gippy looked back at Gon, who was bleeding from the forehead. Gippy threw her hands in the air and yelled, "How the fuck did he not die?"

Gon got patched up and continued to play. He used back, so he didn't get out. A member of your team got hit in the face, meaning he got out.

It was five versus three. The ball went flying towards Hisoka, but he caught it in time using his bungee gum. Apparently, the ball hit Biscuit's dress, getting her out. Gon used back, so he returned to the court. It was just you, Gon, Killua, Gippy, and Hisoka.

You turned towards Gippy and was about to say something, until you heard Killua shout, "Y/N!"

Everything went black.


I looked at Y/N, as her body went flying back. Me, Gon, Bisky, and Killua ran towards her. Her body hit the wall, hard. There was blood dripping down the side of her skull, and her body was like a rag doll.

I tapped her shoulder and asked, "Y/N?" She didn't respond, and her eyes remained closed. Bisky kneeled down and felt her pulse. She sighed and said, "She's alive, just unconscious." Killua intertwined his fingers with hers.

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