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Lee Suho expected this day to just be a regular Friday, but that expectation was soon ruined when Seojun called him and Seyeon, saying that he needed their help and asking if they can meet up at Suho's place. Since the boy sounded like he didn't have much time, the two other guys just agreed and decided to wait until Seojun was there to explain. However, it went different than they expected it to be.

The two teenagers were impatiently waiting in Suho's living room, as they heard a knock at the door, indicating that Seojun finally arrived. Relieved that the final member of the trio arrived, they rushed to the door and opened it. But they were surprised by what they saw.

They were met with a furious Seojun, who pushed a terrified girl inside, as soon as the door was opened. "Take care of her, I'll be back soon", was the only thing the brunette boy nearly growled before turning around and attempting to leave.

"Yah, Seojun", the girl called out, successfully catching Seojun's attention. As he looked at her expectantly, the girl continued, "be careful". The boy's eyes softened slightly, before he responded with "I will" (which he obviously just said to calm the scared girl down). "Dont worry, they won't hurt you. They'll take care of you while I'm gone", he added before making his final leave.

The two boys looked at each other, then at the girl. Both of them were confused by their friend's action. Why would he just leave like that? And since when did Seojun care about a girl?

Yet on second thought, Suho remembered Seojun mentioning a girl. A girl Seojun seemed to deeply care about. Although she didn't seem to be in a good situation. The usually sarcastic and carefree boy seemed to be the opposite when it came to the her. One evening the boy opened up about it, talking about how worried he was for the girl. Neither of the boys knew what happened afterward tho, since Seojun never mentioned it again and they didn't want to pressure their friend..

Shaking his head lightly, as to get rid off the memories, Suho looked at the other boy, just to find him staring at him already. Before Suho could even comprehend the memories, Seyeon asked the girl if her name was Eunjung.

"Yes", the girl, now known as Eunjung, responded in a quiet voice. She seemed so scared and vulnerable, Suho couldn't help but feel the need to protect her. Looking her over, Suho noticed how skinny she was. He felt weird, he felt the need to make sure she was healthy and in a good state of mind. As he looked back up at her face, he noticed the girl already staring at him, until she blushed and looked away. Suho had to admit, she was beautiful, although he noticed how tired and bruised her body seemed to be.

"Ah, Seojun mentioned you a few times", Seyeon improvised. Despite that being a lie, which he obviously just told to not scare the girl even more, Suho just nodded along. Eunjung just gave a smile which Suho couldn't help but find adorable. He wanted to make her smile everyday, make her feel loved everyday.

"Are you Suho and Seyeon?", the girl asked quietly, as if she was scared that they'd get angry if she asked a wrong question. "Yes", Seyeon confirmed, smiling softly at her.

"Seojun told me a lot about you", Eunjung stated with a big grin, now seemingly less scared. "Hopefully only good stuff", Suho mumbled, which caused the girl to giggle. Both of the boys' hearts swelled at the sound. Suho was already whipped for the girl.

"Do you want some dry clothes?" Suho offered after a while, noticing that the girl was drenched in what he assumed was rain, after looking her over again. Of course he didn't notice the affect he had on the younger girl tho. She couldn't help but admire him. I mean, can you blame her? The boy looked like an angel straight from heaven and also seemed to have a great character. She couldn't help but want to get to know him.

Noticing that she still didn't respond, the girl just nodded, still stunned by the boy. "Follow me", Suho spoke, smiling at her before going to get the clothes. Although Eunjung only saw his back, she was blushing just from being near the stunning boy, not even suspecting that the boy in front of her felt the same way.

This feeling was weird to Suho, and honestly it kinda scared him. Depsite not even really knowing the girl, he felt a connection. He wanted to be there for her, he wanted to hold her when she felt bad and make her smile again, he wanted to make sure she was happy and smiling all the time.

"Here it is", The boy stated, opening a door, "just take out some clothes, you can put your clothes in the Dryer if you want to". Suho turned around to leave, as he felt her grab his arm, which made both of them blush. "Thank you" the girl mumbled. "Dont mention it", Suho responded chuckling as he finally left the room.

Both teenagers released a breath they didn't realize they were holding, after they weren't in the same room anymore. Being in the same room was suffocating, but not because they felt uncomfortable around each other. Both of them felt the need to be as close as possible to each other, but they were also pretty shy. Just... the need to be close to each other was suffocating.

After changing her clothes, Eunjung decided to go to the living room to find the guys. Walking into the room, oblivious to the fact that they were just talking about her, she mumbled a quiet "hi". The boys looked up at her, smiling, giving her a hi back, what again made her smile.

"Do you want to watch a movie?", Seyeon requested. Considering the request for a few seconds, the girl decided to agree. "Is it okay if I sit here?", she asked quietly, pointing at the empty space between Suho and Seyeon. "Of course", Suho replied, making the girl blush.

After a short discussion the boys agreed on watching Avengers. And just like that time flew by. It felt as if they were watching the movie for only a few minutes when Seojun returned.

"Seojunnn", Eunjung squealed, jumping up to hug the missing part of the trio. The boy just chuckled. "Are you okay?", she asked with worry in her eyes. "I should be asking you that", the boy mumbled, inaudible for the girl.

After assuring her that he was okay, he announced that he'd bring her home now, as it was already late. Although Eunjung hated the thought of not being in Suho's presence anymore, she complied, as waiting longer wouldn't make it better. So, after thanking the boys again, she eventually left with Seojun, completely forgetting to ask Suho for any of his socials to keep in contact.

Well hello there, thank you for reading :)

I have the rough "sketch" of where this book should go now, so it shouldn't take too long until I can start uploading chapters. I actually had this chapter in my drafts for a really long time but I was too scared to upload it, so after editing the chapter for about 5 times here ya go (I'm still lowkey scared tho lol 😭)

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read this & maybe even vote, I appreciate it a lot :)

Infinity || Lee Suho 》《 True Beauty Where stories live. Discover now