𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 (unedited)

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"I'm sorry" Eunjung sobbed "I tried, I promise I tried"

"What?" Suho asked, dumbfounded. It was late evening, as Eunjung called him crying, apologies leaving her mouth over and over. The only reason he picked up was because she wasn't the first person calling him, and he would feel bad for leaving multiple people alone. "Eunjung, what are you talking about?"

"Seyeon, he-" The girl didn't get to finish her sentence, as sobs wrecked her body again. "I'm so sorry, I did everything I could- you have to believe me! I tried-" Chanting that she tried over and over again, trying to convince herself rather than Suho.

"Take deep breathes", Suho instructed. He waited until she had calmed down, until trying to ask again. "Can you tell me what happened? Can you do that for me?", his voice soft and gentle

"He's dead", she whispered. "He-"

Suho hung up.

Eunjung woke up, gasping for breath. Her body was shaking. It took her a few minutes to calm down, but eventually she got up to go to the bathroom.

After splashing her face with water multiple times she felt okay, or as okay as one could feel in her situation.

The girl looked at  the clock on her wall. Half past 3 in the morning. She sighed heavily. Great, another sleepless night, she thought to herself. Not seeing a point in trying to go back to sleep, she decided to busy herself in other ways, desperately trying to get her mind off things.

The truth was, Eunjung was terrified of tomorrow, going back to school and possibly seeing Suho and Seojun again. So, she tried to push it to the back of her mind. Although it might work perfectly fine while she was awake, being asleep was another thing. She was aware that the two remaining boys probably hated her, but once again she tried to not think of it too much.

Sitting down on her bed, she grabbed a random novel to read. We were liars, the title read. Eunjung winced, almost dropping the book. We were liars. Nonetheless, she started reading. Eventually she got lost in the book, only being pulled back to reality by her alarm clock.

Sighing, she stood up. Deciding to not further try to avoid the inevitable, she soon left the house to walk to the bus stop.

Eunjung has taken a break from school for a few months now. It felt weird to walk the same path again, but at the same time the familiarly of it was comforting. Every morning she would either walk to the bus stop or get picked up by Seojun.

Shaking her head to get rid off the memories, she kept walking. She realized she had missed this. She missed it so much that it might have been one of the reasons why she was hurting. She missed Seojun, she missed Suho, she missed Seyeon, she missed the time she spent with them, the perfect memories.

Events turned into memories. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Aching for someone or something you can't get back. The hurt feeding the void in her heart, and feeding the numbness that was slowly taking over again.

Lost in her thoughts, Eunjung didn't realize she arrived at the bus stop. She looked around her, hoping to find familiar faces as she didn't want to stand around awkwardly by herself. And she did find a familiar face, just not one she hoped to face this soon.

Hello beautiful people :)
I just wanted to apologize for basically ghosting y'all and then coming back with such a short chapter.
It's currently 11.30 pm, so this probably contains some mistakes. However, I'll edit it later :)
In case you're wondering, the reason for my absence was firstly lowkey forgetting about this book and secondly, well my brain made up a Seojun fanfiction which I might write soon (yes, I'm unable to keep this book alive but will start a second one 😩) :)
ALSO we were liars is such a good book absjsjje
Anyways, I hope you'll have a great day or night, I'll try to update soon <3

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