Chapter 1: Preparation

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A sweet smell causes animals to lust over it, though most dare not go near it.

A small insect hums over to collect the syrup-like nectar, the leaf cradling the bug as it fell gently to the earth. For only the other creatures to know that it was as limp and as dead as the grass surrounding the rose. What a fatal surprise.

"SENKUUU!!" the little melon-head yells in irritation, "Why do you have to goooooo?!" She drained on the words, expressing just how annoyed she was that she couldn't go exploring with her best friend.

"Come now Suika, stop annoying Senku!" Ruri giggled, resting her hand upon her shoulder, she continued, "Weren't you going to show your dog to the other children?"

"W-well yeah but... I wanna' explore now!"

"Awwww... c'mon Suika!! I wanna' play with Stalk!" Chirped another child, named Shovel.

"IT'S CHALK! NOT STALK!" Suika laughed

Both children laughed as they chased each other towards the village, joining up with the rest of the kids. Ruri couldn't help but laugh at the sight "They're so full of energy..!" Kohahu agreed with her sister as she walked over, giving Magma an empty backpack with a container of water attached to the side.

Ginro, who was training with Kinro, suddenly stopped earning him a blow to the stomach which knocked the air right out of him. "WHA- GINRO ARE YOU OKAY?!", Kinro's calls alerted the others, "Y-yeah" Ginro replied, looking as white as a ghost. Kinro, knowing he was okay, started scolding Ginro for 'not taking training seriously' and 'not being carful'!

"HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!" Kohahu bellowed, "Hah! Your weak Ginro!" Magma joined, shouldering his bag.

"Are you alright Ginro?" asked Ruri, seemingly being the only one who cared about his well-being in the crowd of laughter.

"Huh-!?" Ginro became very flustered "Yeah I'm fine! A-as if something like that could take me down for long..!" Chrome twitched sensing someone flirting with his crush.

"I'm really strong you kno-" SMACK! Ginro was hit smack-bang in the face with rock.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR CHROME!?" Ginro hissed at the culprit, who was still in the 'throwing' position.

"Sorry, my hand slipped..!" Chrome spitted, staring daggers at Ginro "LIAR!" He shouted in return. The two of them squabbled viciously, though all in a light-hearted tone.

"Stop fighting you two!" Kohahu snapped at them.

"Shut up gorilla!" Chrome yapped back without thinking.

"What did you say??" Kohahu breathed, sending chills down Chromes spine in realisation of what he said, resulting in his usual grovelling position for forgiveness.

Kokuyo, the former chief, spoke up trying to stop Kohahu's execution of Chrome "Uhh- Why were you even winded Ginro??"

"Oh! I got distracted by you guys..!"

"Hahh???" Magma grunted.

"What are you guys even doing?"

Senku interjected "We're being attacked by Tsukasa at the end of winter, that means we won't be able to get any resources when spring comes, therefore we're gathering what we can now."

"O-oh right!" Ginro pondered 'I wasn't expecting such a long answer..!' "And why are the four of you going??" He pointed towards Senku, Gen, Chrome and Magma, who were all standing roughly side by side.

"I'm going because I know a lot about herbs and flowers, so I'll be very helpful to have around!" Gen cheerfully gloated.

"I know the sort of area's minerals and stuff are in!" Chrome added.

"I'm going to be looking by the volcanic rocks near the hot spring for anything that could help." Senku smirked.

"AND I'M PROTECTION IF ANY OF TSUKASA'S GUYS COME NEAR US!!" Magma declared with slight excitement, Ginro pouted about no longer being 'Bodyguard'.

"Anyway, we're all set to go. See you guys later!" Senku waved, marching off into the wooded lands, the others in tow.


**Hope you guys enjoyed so far..!

Sorry it's so short!

The juicy bit is coming soon! ^o^ **

**(607 words)**

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