Chapter 2: A black rose

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"Alright, split up and make sure you're back in half an hour!" Senku barked orders, receiving nods from Gen and Chrome. Magma hummed, "What's the problem Magma?" Senku quickly noticed the confusion plastered on his face.

"Who do I guard first?"

"Oh, that's me!" Chrome chirped "I'm heading north-east away from the village so I will be closer to any enemies!"

Magma nodded and followed Chrome as they each went their separate ways.

Senku wandered towards the volcanic earth and whipped out a small hammer-axe. He rested his hand on the ragged rock and worked away at collecting an ash-yellow ore, sulphur.

Ten minuets had past and he worked on getting materials surrounding the area. He got things like flint, quartz, andesite, and herbs like basil and rosemary.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a sparkling crystal-like rock, it was deep blue, and almost looked like a sapphire, as Senku dug some out his eyes grew wide with joy and amazement; "OH MY GOD! THIS IS BLUE SPINEL WITH WHITE CARBONATE IN CALC-SILICATE ROCK!!!" Senku knew anyone he was with wouldn't understand a word he just said, but in short; It's an extremely rare gem-stone.

Senku gathered all of the jewel, as well as the rock it was in, and secured it in a his bag. At that moment he caught the scent of something odd "That... smells like marzipan..?" He followed the sweet scent to a gorgeous black flower. It looked like a rose of some-sort..! 'Maybe Gen knows the type of flower it is! Perhaps I could even make some medicines out of it!'.

Senku picked the blossom and admired its beauty. But suddenly he felt rather light-headed.   The aching morphed into dizziness, and the world began to spin. Quicker and quicker it twirled until his legs gave way, leaving him a twitching heap on the earth.

His eyes grew heavy and his vision was blurry. Trying and failing to move left Senku one final option... "H-HELP!". Senku's voice was raspy and his lungs burned, he tried to call a second time but couldn't and after five minuets of struggling, he fell unconscious. 


**Oh my life, the took so long to publish

I'm so sorry to everyone who waited patiently!!

I was doing my mock exams and was really lacking motivation


**(358 words)**

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