Chapter 3: His illness

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Gen taped his foot, Senku was 5 minuets late to the meet up point. In fact, there was no sign of him anywhere.

"WHAT IF TSUKASA GOT HIM!?" Chrome yelped, he was very worried about Senku, even though he'd only known him for a few months he felt as though Senku was one of his best friends. Magma, oddly enough, was also quite concerned about his genius pal. What sort of bodyguard would  he be if he'd let a friend be killed or captured? Besides Senku had saved his life in a cave incident, Magma felt obligated to pay him back.

"This is getting nowhere!" Magma declared, jumping to his feet. "Agreed. We have to find him, he's clearly not returning." Gen began to wander towards the direction Senku went off in, his two nervous companions following quickly behind.

A warm, stinging sensation flooded Senku's eyes as he awoke. Movement was futile. His mouth was like a desert, his fingers felt numb and cold. All he wanted to do was call out in hopes of a hero or a saviour to come to his aid, but knew he couldn't. He tried keeping track of time so he'd know how long he was in this paralytic state, but he was struggling. 

Wheezing and gasping for the luxury of air wasn't a pretty look on him, and how he knew it. However, he was bedridden on the blanket of grass, daisies, dirt and leaves. Just as he was about to return to his painful sleep he heard a muffled noise. Silence. His body shut down into unconsciousness as another worthless attempt to protect him.

Gen was treading up the steep earth, Chrome on the left of him and Magma on the right. Their eyes scanned the land for any sign of Senku. "GUYS!" Chrome grasped everyone's attention and continued; "It's Senku's backpack!".

They all ran over to the large, leather case. "Hmm?" Magma could hear an odd noise, it sort of sounded like laboured breath. He pushed back a speckled bush as gasped with wide eyes, "SENKU!!" He ran over to his side, Gen alertly keeping pace while Chrome kept his eye out for any wrongens.

"AIDER!!!" The large, blond man exploded from the trees edge, panting and sweaty, he grasped Senku in his arms and bolted toward the village's first-aid hut. Screams and horrified reactions spread like wild fire as people watched their beloved leader being rushed into medical attention. Jasper, one of the previous carers for Ruri, instructed Magma to lay the casualty on the table.

A damp cloth was placed on the forehead of the ill boy and his shirt hung around his waist, letting Senku breath easier. Ruri, Jasper and Turquoise faffed over and around Senku, trying desperately to aid him back to health. Gen sat at the desk in the medical office, observing an odd black bloom which he believed to be the cause of the sickness.

Outside, in the town square, Kohaku, her father and the two guards tried to calm a rowdy crowd, interlaced with fear and confusion. Magma was posted outside med-centre door to make sure no one got in and spread the hysteria.

"Everyone please calm down!!" Kokuyo shouted across the panicked rave. Ignored.

"Kinro, what do we do!?" Ginro stared at his mature co-worker. Kinro gritted his teeth, what the hell was he supposed to do? He never got trained for this! Kohaku quickly gathered that her group wasn't good at riot-control and took on the most strain from townsfolk.

Poor Chrome probably had the most ear-bleeding job, keeping the children under control... They screamed and cried in his ears, making his brain rattle.

"Chrome what's wrong with Senku?!" Suika wept loudly. Most of the youth's were being consoled by the friendly white dog she owned, but they were all listening none the less.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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