Where Did She Go

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(Heyo so I think I'm either going to start posting every Wednesday and Friday, or just Fridays Tbh school is hard 😓 and so I dont have much time lol + I need sleep...)

~After School~

When I got home my mom wasn't home. She is always home, where did she go. I started panicking, why is she gone, did she get hurt, and what if she's already dead. Then there was a knock at the door. "Who the hell" as I walked to the door a wave of fear went over me then I almost felt empty.Just who is at the door, when i opened It there was Mrs. Aizawa, he looked almost devastated. Then it hit me, my mom... and Aizawa knew something.

~Mrs. Aizawa's POV~

On my way home already, hmph I'm so tired. I hope my cats are ok :). There is someone here, who's in the alleyway. "Who are you, what are you doing sir?". The strange man answered. "Oh I'm sorry, are you a hero?"
"Then it's no of your business"
What is this man doing, I know I'm going up to the roof and seeing what he is going to do or doing....(on the roof top) alrighty, ugh I just wanted to sleep today. (He jumps off and lands behind the strange man who is now blocked off from escaping) "Now are you going to tell me what you were really doing?"
"Why would I do that?" He is obviously hiding something, guess I'm turning him in...
(Aizawa capture him and brings him to the police) "He killed someone..." said one of the police officers interrogating him." Who?" I said while the police officers looked into it. A couple hours later they came back with the body.....

~Deku's POV~

"Mrs. Aizawa, what are you doing here, and why do you look so grim?"..... I think I already knew why he was here and why he looked so sad. " your... your mom she- she was killed izuku."...."NO, SHE CANT BE IM SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER" I reacted bad.... I don't know, I don't know what happened. "I'm so.. so sorry Izuku. She was murdered-"I interrupted him "WHO ... who killed her Mrs. Aizawa?!"

Mrs. Aizawa came inside to "talk" to me he sat down on the couch. I felt like he was intruding, I didn't like this, I didn't like him why is he here... right my- my mom she's dead. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. "Hey kid you ok?" I didn't feel good "I'm fine, you can leave I can take care of my self" I can take care of my self he knew this but he stayed "Deku...." why was bakugo here!?!  "MRS. AIZAWA WHY IS HE HERE I DON'T EVEN WANT YOU HERE"
"Clam down, he is here just for the night you can't stay alone tonight, you need someone close to you right now" He thought to bring BAKUGO- "YOU TINK YOU SHOULD BRING HIM, HE IS A MONSTER HE BULLIES ME I DON'T NEED HIM"

~Bakugo's POV~

Mrs. Aizawa messaged me to go over to deku's and then text him when I'm almost there. I wonder why (Time skip) alright imma text him now I guess...... (Aizawa messages bakugo what has happened) oh-oh no, NO "No deku I'm coming" I knocked on the door then came in. "Deku...." he's yelling at me but... I can't hear him. I know he is mad at me. But- his mom, she died. Aunt inko... she can't be. "DEKU. ITS ANUT INKO DONT BE MAD AT ME" no that slipped out.

~Deku's POV~

"No.... no, bakugo she... she needs to be alive she- SHE CANT DIE, SHE ISN'T DEAD" no bakugo doesn't  understand she isn't dead she can't be. "DEKU LISTEN TO YOUR SELF YOU SOUND CRAZY... she is dead, you just need to accept it, you can come live with me!" No I won't he would just Bully me more. I can live on my own, but if letting him stay tonight would get Mrs. Aizawa to leave it would be ok. "Just one night right? Fine you could stay, just tonight then you leave me the hell alone. Mrs. Aizawa the school will be building dorms soon right?"
"Yes izuku, how did you know?" Wasn't it obvious, after all of the villain attacks on UA? "Well I just assumed since we have gotten a lot of threats and villain attacks, and now that my..... my mom is dead. They will build them faster. Which means I won't be living here long"I rlly did think it was obvious "wow deku you are still the same that's a relief" why would bakugo say that I'm obviously not the same, just because I'm still smart doesn't mean anything.

~time skip later that night~

"I just wish you could leave me alone it's not fair. I should get to choose what I want to do with my life" I said this as bakugo was setting up his bed for the night. " Cone on deku it isn't that hard, we have had plenty of sleep overs" yes it is true I guess we have, but this is different this time it was mandatory, this time it was because my mom died "you're just here because you were told to, you have never cared for my mom" he didn't I know he didn't, because no one cares. "OF COURSE I CARED ABOUT AUNT INKO" this is stupid, I know he doesn't. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALLED HER THAT" he didn't, he didn't care so why should he get to call her that after death."no bakugo you can't and you can sleep in the living room I don't want you in here" I don't, no I can't sleep in the same room as him."Fine deku, just- just don't do anything.... bad" WHAT THR HELL DOES HE THINK IM GOING TO DO. Never mind that we have school tomorrow so obviously I won't do anything. "Obviously I won't, you need to watch your self if your aunt inko meant sooo much" yea this is how it should be "ok but deku I do care about her, and you... I know I have been, mean but that doesn't mean I don't care". " yea sure kachan good night" I went to sleep easy despite the fact of what happens today, it was busy day to busy.

Hey my loves I hope you liked it and read the next one I will try to get it published by Friday. :D but if I don't remember pls do not blame me blame school😠
Word count:1111

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