"how do we know deku you ask?" "yea, how do you know him, are you the guys who kidnaped him?" i need to know this, cause if he was lying about knowing who deku is, then this whole plan has went to shit. "you say kidnapped, when you don't even know what happened after we captured him. he stayed on his own free will." no. that's not true I remember how much deku wanted to be a hero, why would he join them willingly. "he.. didn't" "ha kid sorry to break it to you but he did." " what do you have to say about this toga" holy shit.. that girl comes out of nowhere all the time. "I think the prince here is trying to take deku from you" damn him. Now toga isn't going to help me, I mean it isn't like she was going to help me in the first place, but it would have been nice to have her on my side. "WHAT?!? no. Deku is mine, you cant have him. humph"
"i understand that toga, but-" "NO BUTS. you cant have him. i'm going to ask shiggy, if dabi can train you on my days." "alright toga, I wouldn't mind taking your days" shit. dabi trains way harder then anything I have ever known. I wonder where he learned to train people like that... "LET ME GO GET SHIGARAKI HERE NOW!!" "alright.. then i was start todays training with this punk, today.. I wont go easy on him." "ok! just make sure you don't kill him! :D" what- kill me?!? he wouldn't actually kill me... right? "ugh I guess I won't push him that far" HUH- wait are they being serious?!?! oh my gos- "GET OFF THE FLOOR KID!!" "AHH ALREAY, FUCK THIS-" "BLOCK THIS DUMB BOOM BOY"
~four hours later~
"looks like I wore you out, ha loser." ugh. I'm still a kid.. of course I would be tired out, you pushed me so hard "tch, you are the one who pushed me to my breaking point" "wait.. THIS is your breaking point?" "yea?" "HHAHAHHA when I was your age I could go so my longer.. after all my dad.. NEVER MIND THAT I guess you need a lot more training to kill the other guy" just how strong is this guy I have to kill, when ever I train with dabi or toga the always go on and on about how strong this other kid is. "and kid... just a heads-" "DABI, tell me why toga doesn't want to train with deku anymore. HUH?!" what was dabi gonna say.. "well, boom boy over here wants to take deku away from her, its only natural that she doesn't wanna be any where near boom boy over here" ugh, this is so stupid. why are they fighting, I'm the one who needs to be trained "YOU SO STUPID, oh my god. FINE take over for toga, but now toga has to take your spot when training the other kid" Who is this 'other kid' god I hate not knowing who I have to kill. "BUT I LOVED TRAINING HIM." him? I guess the person I need to kill is.. a boy "well you put it in toga's mind that she didn't have to train him." "couldn't twice take my day, and then I take his day, that kid is smart he would know something is up if I stop training him all of a sudden" "I guess you are right..." who is this kid.. it doesn't make sense, they say he is stronger, and smart enough to notice if dabi stops showing up, if this kid is my age, he would be top of the class, they might even consider moving him up a grade, or two. how will I beat. even more so... kill him. "so are we sticking to my plan, twice takes my spot and I take his for the other kids schedule?" "fine. get back to work."
"ugh, don't tell anyone, but kid, I really hate shiggy HAHAHA" "I think I got that already, actually I think everyone here knows you two hate each other" is he trying to buddy up with me... "really?... huh, guess I never realized" I should ask what he was going to say earlier "Dabi... what were going to tell me earlier?" maybe he is going to help me? "oh... you really wanna know kid? it might get you in trouble if you let it slip that I told you this." I need to know. "yes. I'm sure I want to know." this information could help, i might be able to escape with it, who knows what he will tell me. "well, kid, the evaluation... its happening after twice's training session with you" WHAT its only been about a week. why is it happening so soon. how will I find deku, if this kid is as strong as they say he is... I- I might die. "are... are you positive, that it will be then?" "yes. 100% positive it will been then." shit. "then you need to train me until I throw up. I need to get stronger." if I get stronger, then I can save deku, I wont be in deku's shadow anymore. "kid if i know anything about training, its about training until, well you throw up. but first, before we do that. you need to tell me what is so important about helping your little friend deku."should I lie... no he would know if I was lying or not. ugh. I need to train, I guess I should then, what ever it takes for deku.
"well, to put it bluntly. I have known him since forever. and well, I have always been in his shadow, and I think if I save him this once. I wouldn't be in his shadow any more. in fact it would mean I am stronger then him. So I have to do this. no matter what." Maybe this was to straight forward to believe. "oh"
~dabi's POV (!!waring manga spoilers!!)~
"oh" well shit. it's almost as if.. he was me with better parents. Endever was a shit dad, but for my younger brother, he was dads favorite, just because of his stupid quirk. why. why couldn't i be in the spotlight for even two seconds, he trained me so hard... then threw me away, just like that. I guess I should help him now, maybe he could have what I couldn't... revenge. to bad he needs to kill deku to prove his point. "alright, I will help you but.. there are somethings you should know first."
(helloo, are you guys excited for the evaluation.. cause I am [smirks], anywayysss hope you enjoyed loves, have a great day or night!!
word count: 1132

𝐼𝑓 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝐾𝑛𝑒𝑤
FanfictionDeku... why- bakugo I NEVER BECAME A SILLY LITTLE HERO.... you did this bakugo. Ha I'm this because of you.-deku No I never... I- I didn't want this. Well it isn't your world. Heyooo this is my first book I'm writing. I think I am going to be post...