An Unlikely Match

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Bodyguard University was Thailand's top and secret school in which only the elite were accepted to train as bodyguards for government and celebrity personnel. Not just anyone could waltz in and apply. You had to be invited to audition.

Kidnapping 321: 1.02 seconds. อนาคินน์ รัรษณณากูร (Annakhin Ratsananakun)

Given the level of difficulty it took to save the simulated hostage on that test, it was nearly impossible to defeat my record of 1.30 minutes, especially by a junior. The only plausible explanation was foul play.

"Porsche! Can you tell us how it feels to have your school record once again superseded by Kinn Annakin's?" Techno, our school's unofficial news reporter asked me with microphone obnoxiously shoved almost against my lips and a stupid camera live-recording our interview.

The anger surging in my heart was meticulously poured out as each letter was revealed. Drip by drip, the concoction of envy and shameful defeat spilled into the cauldron boiling over in my chest. Powerful spheres curled by my sides, forcing fine nails to cleanly slice into calloused palms. My jaw had clenched tightly as though my teeth were being ground down to nothing.

Not wanting to make myself look worse than I already had, I forced a smile towards the camera and hid my fists behind my back.

"I feel like someone's daddy must be making this school very happy," I said as cheerfully as I could.

Techno's mouth gaped open. "Are you telling us that Kinn cheated?"

"I'm not saying that," I backtracked, realizing that if he did have influence, I couldn't risk slandering him. "I'm just saying that he may not have as much skill as people think he does."

"You talk a big talk, but where's your score to back it up?" A familiarly despicable voice called from the crowds of people checking the scoreboard.

Ugh. This asshole again. Kinn's pale face and sharp eyes stood out to me as he  approached us. Casual confidence radiated from him, igniting my irritation. Instead of vexation, he seemed amused by our banter. Chestnut lips cocked into a smirk, and his hands were snug in his front pants pockets. Before the battle of snark had even started, he had already won.

"Unfairly placed behind your fraudulent one," I shot back at him, not handling my temper as well as I thought I would.

He shook his head and laughed.

"You're claiming my victory is because of my father, but what about your dad? Isn't he an alumni, and the largest contributor to BU?"

I should've gone silent at that point. However, my temper wasn't my best friend. I stomped closer to him. Grabbing his stupid uniform collar, I yanked him so that his breath tickled the tip of my nose.

"Everyone knows I always play fairly," I growled.

Techno spread his arms out between us and laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, okay. Now is not the time for a pissing contest," he said nervously.

I rolled my eyes and took a step back.

Kinn seemed all too pleased by my reaction and hadn't changed his stance in the slightest, like he anticipated everything that just happened and was watching a soap opera play out on his TV.

"Just like every small dog, all bark and no bite," Kinn said while challenging me.

"Are you calling him a lap dog?" Techno asked curiously.

Why would you say that, Techno? I glared at him and nudged the bastard for making a suggestive comment.

"Certainly. I'm sure he's been passed around onto quite a few laps," Kinn said.

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