Wounding Words

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Porsche's POV:

I had to brace myself and accept the cursed reality that fate had imposed on my life because it wasn't difficult enough. Kinn was assigned to me, and it was my duty to concern for his well-being until the saving grace of graduation day. For weeks, I had entertained countless scenarios to somehow separate us without it negatively affecting me. They all ended with me getting expelled or Kinn harmed. Unfortunately, the latter wasn't a useful option.

Fruitless schemes weren't the only deliberations that carried with me. Inexplicable questions haunted my thoughts. Like dominos, one question led countless more to follow. Why were people after Kinn? Was Kinn a bad person? Was Kinn innocent? Was he evil in sin's clothing? What was I getting into? How could I leave him?

Clearly, Kinn had no intentions of easing my curiosity. He'd rather me suffer in concern, which made him appear guiltier. If I were to get any answers, I'd have to find them myself. And I intended on doing just that.

Today was no different of a day in Bangkok. Brightly above, the unforgiving sun cooked my crying skin. Tears slid down my arms and stained my pristine uniform. The tufted clouds didn't want to be on my side today and steered clear from the merciless lightbulb in the sky. With my backpack anchored on my shoulders, I wandered aimlessly on campus in search of my favorite Protectee.

It only took me ten minutes to find him. Impatiently tapping his foot, Kinn was standing near the front doors of the school's library. Almost nothing seemed out of place. His hair was still slicked back in a tasteful way that didn't resemble helmet hair. Neatly, his tie strung down his chest. The only unusual part of this picture was the back of his shirt being untucked. Kinn was always put well-together.

Holding my head up, I eased down the sidewalk. Kinn wasn't paying any mind to his surroundings. He was too busy scrolling through something on his phone.

I made my final step towards him and waited for him to notice my existence. Even though we were only a forearm's width apart, he was too lost in his own world. Running across the screen, his gaze failed to settle.

"I need your schedule," I said bluntly.

Kinn's pretty eyelashes fluttered at the sudden sound. He raised a curious eyebrow and looked at me. Tugging his phone in his back pants' pocket, he said, "Plan on asking me out?" Uneasy inquiry tingled in his dry voice.

I scoffed. "No, so I can escort you," I explained.

It was time that I took this bodyguard thing more seriously and began pulling apart the layers to Kinn's underhandedness. I could use my position as his bodyguard to slyly tear away his protective state.

He frowned and took a tiny gulp. "You don't have to do that."

"I do if I want to graduate," I said. I wasn't letting him get out of this. Desired or not, I was going to be stuck by his side for the remainder of the semester.

"And?" Kinn shoved a hand in the front pocket of his dark slacks and shot me a look that said, "Why the fuck do I have to care?"

"Just fucking give it to me," I hissed. My fingers twitched, craving to curl up and make enemies with the first thing they contacted.

"So soon? I thought that was a date three conversation," Kinn said as he toyed a smile and straightened his shoulders, advertising his strong chest.

"You know what I meant!" I glared. He was lucky he was my Protectee because he'd have been slapped for half the shit he said to me. It was pushing the boundaries of sexual harassment. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought he were gay. This guy loved messing with my head.

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