Chapter 2 - Many years after...

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The next years everything happened very fast. My brother started going to school and my father opened a shop by himself, where he sells machine parts. And I? Well, since this damn suburb is so boring without my mom, I found another way to have fun. One year ago, I joined a group... yeah... How should I describe it? We meet up occasionally to hang out and have some fun. With fun, I mean, starting a battle with other groups or robing a person. Even though, I know, that this sh*t is illegal, it is, unfortunately, the only way to have fun for me.

But enough about the past. Today it is the 10th September and the date of my mother's death. I feel like some wound in my heart starts to reopen again and I feel like nothing is there, which is worth living. As I walk out, I get greeted by my younger sibling Benjamin:

Benjamin: Brother! Good morning my lovely brother. Here, let me hug you! He tries to hug me, but I push him away You never let me hug you! Why?

Noah: I'm not in the right mood, leave me alone!

Benjamin: YOU NEVER ARE!


Andy: Stop. Please. Not today...

I flinch

Noah: Dad?!

Andy: Good morning my dear. Benjamin, I know you love your brother, but please. If he needs his space, let him have it. And you, Noah.

Noah: Yeah?

Andy: Do you want to join us at the grave today, I think this would help you. You have never come to your mother's grave...

Noah: Nah, I don't want to. I have a meeting with some friends today. I'm sorry.

Andy: So, as always... okay. Benjamin, make yourself ready to go. We're leaving in 10 min.

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