Quarantine: Day 6

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"It's here! The box is here!" James yelled, running to the bathroom and throwing the door open. Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at Fred's surprised cry of, "Oi! Privacy, mate!" She summoned the box to the couch, swiveling her body so she could rest her foot on the coffee table.

The swelling had subsided, leaving behind bruising on the top of her foot and toes. Fred insisted it was broken and refused to perform any basic healing spells, afraid he'd make it worse. Instead, he kept the extremity iced and supplied Hermione with pain relief potions. Hermione was pretty sure nothing was broken and that she had most likely severely sprained it during her angry outburst. All the fight in her had been spent the previous day, though, and she allowed Fred his fussing.

"What have we got?" Fred asked, settling himself on the arm of the couch. Hermione tore back the tape and opened the cardboard box. On top was an envelope addressed to Hermione and the boys. Fred picked it up and frowned. "Why did she leave me out?"

"She wasn't expecting us to be with you. She must have assumed we got back to my house before the lockdown went into effect," Hermione answered, pushing aside toilet paper, toothpaste, and soap. She pulled out two canvas bags full of food and passed them to Fred. "You'll want to put this stuff in the fridge."

"Did they send crisps and bisicks?" James asked, leaning over the box.

"I doubt it, buddy. But go look at what Uncle Freddy has. I bet we got enough stuff to make a batch of biscuits.

As James dashed to the kitchen, Albus clamored over her legs to get his own peek at the loot. "Kips?" he asked, looking up at her with big eyes.

"Sorry, kiddo, no crisps."

"Bugga" he groaned, plopping down on Hermione's lap.

"Hey, that's not an Albus word," Hermione laughed, locking him in a side hug and tickling his belly.

"Careful with your foot," Fred warned. He held out a mug and said, "Trade you tea for an Al."

"I don't know..." Hermione said, holding Albus close. "It would really have to come with biscuits for it to be a fair trade."

"If you give me explicit step-by-step instructions, I might be able to churn out an edible biscuit or 2. Here," he said, handing her the mug of tea and lifting Albus from her lap. "They sent some apples. Should we slice one up?"

"No apples," Albus replied, vigorously shaking his head.

Hermione pulled toiletries from the box and on the very bottom found another envelope. This one was addressed to Fred. "It seems as though you do have a letter."

Fred sat Albus at the table with a banana and then returned to Hermione's side for his letter. Letting himself fall onto the spot beside her, he ripped open the envelope. The mood between them had definitely shifted since the previous day. It seemed as though they had both needed a moment to vent their pent-up grievances with each other. Fred seemed lighter and was more of his usual, teasing self. Hermione let herself ease up around him, though couldn't help but stay a bit reserved. Letting her anger out had been a big relief but the truth behind the breakup still stung.

"Cor, I dodged a jinx there," Fred chuckled, tucking his letter back into the envelope.

"Was that from George?"

"Yeah, he got locked down in the club I was supposed to be meeting him at. He says it's bloody miserable. A load of sweaty drunks with no showers and Cormac McClaggen trying to shag anything that moves."

"Ugh," Hermione said, wrinkling her nose. "Don't talk about that man so close to mealtime. You'll trigger my gag reflex." She floated the toiletries to the bathroom and asked, "Were you supposed to be going there with Bendy Tilda?"

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