Chapter 1

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Briel Madden

I slow down to catch my breath, my chest heaving after the 3 mile run. Am I pushing myself? Yes. But it's the only way to cope. The day is quite, as if the whole world stops for my morning run. The birds let out a call every now and then I slowly walk back into Monopoly Condo. Sally the Robot, follows behind me. A couple months ago, I did try to shut her down to hurry to Matthew. Matthew. Can't think about that right now. My parents found her and that's how they reported me missing. Opening the door to the room, It's cold and empty.  No one is here except me and my robot. James is also gone. He's still at Rebel Rock, the place for special talents, that was bombed 2 months ago.

"Would you like some water Miss Madden?" Sally monotonically asks. 

"Sure." I walk into my room and sit down at my desk. Oh how I wish I could just run to Rebel Rock, but I can't especially with so many people and cameras watching my every move. Right above my desk is an array of pictures with me and Mackenna O'Conner. My best friend. She should be coming any moment now and we would make our way to Raven. Ever since he captured us, we work for him. I knew it wasn't as simple as "You are being released." There was a catch. Now we run errands for him, take notes, the occasional interrogation. He was gone for a couple of days and came back really angry. He needed something to brighten his mood and of course it has to be sitting with me. He is constantly by my side,  claiming me, wanting me, everything about me. I always get this feeling of nausea whenever I'm around him. The thing that makes it even more sickening is that I have to play the part, pretend that I'm interested. It only makes me want to cry remembering the way Matthew treated me so gently... 

There's a knock on the door that only frightens me more. I put up my hair that has now grown to the length of the Nile river, well that's exaggerating but you get what I mean. 

"See you Sally."

"Dinner will be ready when you are back Miss Madden." She replies.

I open the door to find my personal escort Robin here. He's big and mean and all the things a technical bodyguard should have. We walk silently all the way to the limo. Mackenna rides in the back. They like to give us some privacy so it's all soundproof, even though I doubt it. I plop down beside her. She flashes me a smile, "Ready for another super awesome day?"

"Mackenna, please.." I smile teasingly back at her. She knows all about Raven and keeps telling me how one day she will get the chance to ball him. I don't know why today has to be one of those days where Matthew is on my mind. Me being my emotional self, tears up every time. Mackenna scoots over and just holds me. I used to be the strong one. 

Not anymore. 

"How Mackenna? How can we make it stop? I miss them so bad and can't imagine what is happening to them." I rub my nose with my sleeve like a child. 

She sighs, "I miss them too, but I know James and you know him too. He is strong and will protect Matt like a brother." I smile thinking about how that would be true, if he wasn't most likely dead.

Yes you guessed it. Of course I haven't told her. It breaks my heart so how much more would it break hers. Besides I can't sit through that whole, it's not your fault, how come you didn't tell me thing. We sit in silence for the rest of the way dreading what was to come. 


I play with a strand of my hair as I wait for my role with Raven. It feel so smooth between my fingers as I see the highlights tangle with the brown. Of course just as I think about him he walks in. Smiling.

"What's up gorgeous?" He smirks as he comes to take my hand and pull me from the chair, "Missed you this weekend." He puts his arm around my waist and smooths down my hair.

I almost gag, "Right back at you." He smiles and plants a deep, long kiss, as if he's trying to encourage me to go further. I never engage in the physical stuff, and after he's done combing through my hair, my legs are trembling with fear and my stomach is going to come out. He puts his mouth by my ear whispering, "I have a surprise for you later. I have to do so much work today though, but I'll see you near the end of the day and maybe we can do something together." He pulls back and smiles that devilish smile, as he walks away. 

The door slams and I break down. I sink against the wall and stiffle the sobs that shake my shoulders. How I long for an innocent touch, and loving arms to wrap around me. But I'm completely and utterly alone. 

My mind wanders to thoughts of Matthew that only makes things worse. How would he ever love me again. His feelings are probably slim to none, but I can only hope that he's planning to come back. 

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