Chapter 3

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I work at the computers that day. I don't know where Mackenna goes but all I can do is think about her safety too. I slowly type in the information I was given. 

I very literally create propaganda. 

I convince the people how bad things are around the city, the secret markets, that an uprising is on the verge of breaking. I tell them all about peoples plans to bring back the useless talents and abilities. Tears threaten to rise up one too many times. I get up from the chair, "I'm going to the bathroom." I say as one of the guards gets up to follow me. He stops at the door and I hurry into one of the stalls. I cry it all out, but this will be the last time.

I've made my decision. I was going to be Briel again. The strong one, who's there for everyone and will come up with some kind of plan to get out of this place. I will play the part and do what's needed to get what I want. I won't cry tears for anyone no matter how much I care. Matthew. I will find him, and James, and we will be a family again. 

With more stability, I walk out of the door with my head high and go back to the communications room but Raven stops me. 

"Where have you been?" He looks around. 

"I went to the bathroom." I smile.

"Come with me I have a surprise." He wraps his arm around my back and guides me down the hall. 

"I don't really know how you will react to this but I hope it might get you into a better mood. Maybe we'll have some more fun." I look to his face as he grins. 

What on earth is he trying to do? I silently walk down the hall with him and as he opens the door, I look around to see a big room full of computers. What computers you ask? Security footage. I marvel at the amount of information being gathered here. But then again, this is the entire city. He leads me to a specific one near the end of the room. He pulls the chair and motions for me to sit. 

I look closely at the footage only to see what I was expecting. 

"Rebel Rock." I whisper. 

Raven crouches down. I feel his breath on my neck, "Feel free to explore." He leaves the area but not the room. I take the mouse in my hand and scroll through the different cameras. There's one that's in the medical ward. I watch Olivia as she orders others around to the differently wounded people. 


I see footage of Alessandro's office where he's speaking to another girl. The words they speak are quite but I can hear them loud and clear.

"I hope Raven's right about this one." Sandro says.

The girl, who I haven't seen before, frowns, "I think he's right but I'm not so sure after what we spoke about. He brought up some pretty good points on things that could go wrong."

What? Who's he?

"I think we can manage. My boys are strong. Plus with Raven supposedly on our side, we can make it work." 

Oh dear lord. Raven's walking them right into a trap and I have no one to tell.

I look around the room to find Raven looking right into my eyes.


Of course. This is what he brought me here for. Of course there is a camera in the room of Matthew Deep. My legs start to shake and my eyes fill with tears as I watch the boy I love lay alone in his bed, twiddling with an item in his hand.  

I watch as he gets up and inserts the picture into a mirror frame. I zoom in. No one can miss the amazing photography of my brother James. I stare into a picture of Matt and me, he's twirling me around on the dance floor, the night of celebration, and James has captured every emotion. 

And that's what breaks me. 

My promises disappear. 

And it seems like forever to just walk out of the room and into any room I can find. Where I can stay in peace. Because I am no longer strong.

If only I had that picture.


Raven insists that I stay the night. He silently walks me up to the top floor where bedrooms line the hallway. He leaves me on my own as I settle into bed. I didn't have the courage to say no. He purposely ripped my heart so that he can be the hero. But he was no hero of mine. I wish Mackenna had stayed. I wish she was here so I wouldn't have to be alone. So I can have that shoulder to cry on and that friend to share the burden. 

Raven walks in. He comes slowly and sits on the bed where I am now sitting up. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He smiles sympathetically, but there's more to the smile than that, "If you want to talk about it-"

"Raven. Stop. You don't understand what I'm going through and the pain that you purposefully put me through. You are not my lover and will never be! So get your head out of the clouds, come down to earth, and get out!" I have no more tears left so at this point it's the full on yell.

I get out of the covers ready to hide in the bathroom, but he grabs my arm.

"I only want to understand Bri. I want to be a friend, even more." His sharp eyes stare into mine.

"I don't need you to fulfil that role. I don't even know you." I'm exasperated at this point, "Raven you are about to lead my friends, and boyfriend may I add, along with my brother, into a trap. if you even cared about me you wouldn't hurt or even touch the people I love. You have no idea how much I feel for Matthew and you are trying to take it away from me but it will never leave."

He pulls me closer and cups my head, "I don't know how to make you understand that this is necessary to stop them from doing the wrong things. If only you would see that I'm trying to protect you. Matthew would never do that, he would only corrupt you. He's so full of himself and his plan but I can be that one for you."

And for a second I think he's serious. That Raven is a human being and that he is capable of love and sympathy. But it was only a moment until I realize again the things he's done and that I would never consider him.

"Raven, " I look back into his eyes.


"Please leave."

He sees he's getting nowhere with me. And with that, I'm left standing at in the middle of the room as I hear the door behind me close. And suddenly it's cold once again. 

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