Chapter 19

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"So, which dress suit me?" Sana hold 2 dress. Momo observe both of the dress but both of it seems not good on Sana.

"Both of it doesn't look good on you" Momo said and walk to the wardrobe. Sana sigh and put the dress back to the wardrobe befor plopping herself on her bed.

"I don't even know how to dress up and I have the audicity to date Mark!?" Sana whispered. She doesn't know Momo heard it.

Momo let out a small chuckle. "No worry Sana, here, I think this dress suit you the most" Momo give Sana a black prom dress that hug her body curve.

Sana eyes sparkle as she saw the dress. It was beautiful. Her type. "I love it".

3 day before prom

The hall is almost done with decoration. With Jihyo as the lead, everything seems to be going well. But in Jihyo eyes, there always something missing.

"Hung the bow there and it will look pretty" Jihyo command one of the students. The student didn't hear her which make her blood boiled.

"HEY HUNG THE BOW!!" Jihyo shouted. The student quickly followed her order and hung the bow.

"Jihyo calm down, you will make everyone pee on their pants" Nayeon let out a nervous laugh. Of course Jihyo follow her words because Nayeon is her senior anyway.

Meanwhile, the boys or Got7 were preparing for their perfomance at the music room, which caught all their fangirl attention.

Jaebum lead the group really well that the reheasel going well.

"Bambam, you mess the dance step at the chorus part" Jaebum scold at Bambam like a leader. Well, he is a leader anyway.

"We better won't mess up during the perfomance, understood?"

2 day before prom

Mark was barely laying on his bed while playing PUBG with the other. Meanwhile, Sana on her laptop, watching a youtube video and teach herself how to dance.

Mark saw Sana learning by her own. She was learning the dance step on how to dance like "princess and prince" style.

"I don't want to mess up!" Sana sigh. She turn to Mark when she feel a stare from Mark, giggling while observing her.

"Babe, don't worry! This is prom and we can dance any dance step" Mark said, walking to her. He look at her laptop and let out a small chuckle before closing the laptop.

"Yah Pabo, you were watching a "princess and prince" dance step, we're not dancing this" Mark flick Sana's forehead causing her to groan in pain.

"But, isn't slow dance and this dance is the same?" Sana raise her right eyebrow in confusion.

Mark let out a small chuckle again. Sana look at him in annoyed expression before kicking his leg. Mark groan in pain.

"Yah! Stop with the chuckle! It's annoying!" she stomp to her bed and wrapped herself like a burrito.

He walk to her and hug her from behind. He turn her body to face him. "My burrito, you so cute" he said and kiss the tip of Sana nose. And slowly the drifted to sleep.

1 day before prom

"Chaeyoung, can you bring the box to the hall?" Ms Kim told Chaeyoung. She immeaditely do like what Ms Kim ask her.

On her way to the hall, she bumped into Felix who is also on his way to the hall. "Chae?"

"Move away, this is a heavy box-" she was cut off when allbof sudden Felix took the box from her arm and bring it to the hall. Chaeyoung was stunned but soon when she realize that she was froze at her place for so long, she quickly run to Felix to catch him.

"Jihyo noona, where do I put this box?" Felix asked Jihyo. Jihyo look at Felix in confuse. She pointed on the stage which mean "put the box on the stage".

Chaeyoung soon appear at the hall, panting hard. "Look like you've been running hard" Dahyun hold her laugh while extending a bottle to Chaeyoung.

"I won't be this tired if it's not because of that brat" Chaeyoung said as she finish drinking the bottle. Felix turn to Chaeyoung and give a smile to her. Which give her a butterfly.

"Tomorrow, make sure you confess to him" Dahyun whisper at her ear. Chaeyoung instantly blush at her words.

"Tomorrow going to be a long day.."


Last chapter coming soon

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