Chapter 7

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Sana POV

Omaigadddd!!!I run through the hall.I open my locker and took my book,quickly!As,I close it,Mark was already beside me,looking at me innocently and smile.

Hye!he greet me.

What do you want?I ask him.

Well,you still blushing thinking what happen last night?He tease me.

No!It was just not true...I was drunk and I don't know what I said yesterday!I shout.

I know,you have crush on me!he tease me again.

The time he say crush,I blush again.My hand automatically touch my lip because you know what happen last night.I KISS HIM!

Omo!you blushing touch your lip!he laugh

Emm...It was automatic!I said while blushing

Really?he fac

Emm,Look!I was late...I should go!Bye!

Bye,nerd!See ya!

I was so embarrassed just now.How dare Mark tell me that!I use my book to hide my face but Momo find me.


Dae?Momo,I thought you with Jackson!?

Nope,I run from him



I kiss Mark last night..


Momo look at me with her surprise face.

You must be kidding me...

Aniya..I was drunk..

Drunk?!the warden knows?

Nope...I scared if the warden knows it..


Both of us rush to our class before the teacher come.

At class..

I couldn't face Mark because guess what,he is my seatmate!!Why!!I look at Momo who is now reading her book and ignoring Jackson who secretly taking her picture.I call her few time but she didn't hear it.Buy,the one who look at me was Mark.I look at him with my surprise face.We have eye contact...urghh!!I look away and continue doing my work.

Sana?What's wrong?

Nothing...I was calling Momo but you look at me...

Aww,you so cute..

I give my death glare to him.I look in front and Mark was staring at me.Ughh,Mark is so bad..

Teacher Kim come and call me and Momo.I stand up and run to her quickly.

Momo POV

Please take a sit..Teacher Kim told us.

Sana and I sit infront of teacher table.

Do you know why I call both of you here?Teacher Kim smile at us.

No...We nervous smile.

Well,the school has choose both of you to attend a camping at BigHit High school She smile at us.

What kind of camp?Sana ask.

Well,it was a primary school scout camp and it held at BigHit high school field!She said excitedly.

So...I ask curiously.

You are choosen to be the scout facy!She said excitedly.

Both of us look each other.

Facy?I said.

Yup,fill this form and give me today!she handed us a form.

Emm,today?we ask curiously.

Yup!You have to be there tonight!she smile.

But,I thought it tomorrow Sana sigh.

It is tomorrow but since you are facy,you need to be there tonight the teacher told us.

Ok then...both of us nod.

We get out from the teacher office.

So,we need to prepare today right?I ask Sana.

Yup..she nod.

So,we ask Yugyeom to bring us to big hit high school...I smirk. about them?Sana ask worriedly.

Who them?I ask.

Twice,Got7?She Said.

We tell them later..I pat on her head.

But,how about our roomie?she pout.


Let's read chapter 7 pt2.But not going to update now.wait for it!

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