Chapter 9

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Mark POV

Why is Sana aren't answering my text?


Oh Sana..I thought Sana reply.Seriously?! It was Taehyung anywhere.

Taehyung BigHit

*pic of him and Sana take selfie*

Look who I found...

Take care of her!

Chill dude
She's alright!
She right by my side!

Don't let Irene hurt her.


Good,Taehyung there to look for her.She won't be hurt.

Sana POV

Hurt me?Duh,she is good girl!

You still don't know who is her

I roll my eyes and went to Momo who is talking to Jimin.

Momo, I go to washroom first!


I run to washroom. After done,I went out to wash my hand.But when I want to get out,someone stop me.

Oo,Irene,what's the matter?

Can we talk?

Ya sure!

At park,let's go!

I follow Irene to the park.She look at me


ana,may I ask you something?

What is it?

Do you have any relationship with Mark?

Not more then friend...

Emm,Sana,since you and Mark are bestfriend.. Can you tell him I miss him?

I already tell him but..
I was thinking if I should say that Mark hate her but I think I should say in good way not to hurt her feeling.

He not giving me a good response..

She start crying and her tears coming down.

What's wrong?

I-I made a big mistake before.Mistake that causing he hate me..

Emm,I don't know that...what kind of mistake?I know I shouldn't ask but don't tell me if you don't want to..

I've cheat on him..I know I shouldn't but I don't know what I was thinking that day..

I love him but you hurt him?what kind of girlfriend are you?

I can't hold my anger anymore.She hurt Mark!She hurt me too!I really don't like people hurt my friend and much more his feeling.

I am confuse too,why are you angry?

I know its none of my business but,I don't like People who hurt my friend feeling like you!

What ever!I don't even have feeling for him when we couple!

That's mean,you lie to Mark this whole time!

Yes!Yes I did!I don't love him just his money!When I couple with him,I cheat!But now,I in love with him!real love!

Then,you make up story about him from the start! I tell Mark!

No one POV

Sana run away but Irene throw a rock and hit Sana head.

Sana fell and her head is bloody.Irene kick her leg and whisper

We just start,we see who won..

She stand up and walk away and acting like nothing happen.

Momo searching for Sana everywhere.Finally she found Sana who is fainting!

She quickly called for help.When the ambulance come,they bring Sana to hospital.

Sana lost so many blood.But luckily,Sana operations going well and she in coma.The doctor explain that the rock is kind a big because the rock hit Sana head right at where Sana brain are.That cause of brain damage.But,thanks to Momo for the quick action.If small maybe it just bleeding and faint.But big,she almost lost her blood.

Momo cry so hard.She call gotwice and Sana parents to come and they quickly rush to hospital.

End chapter 9...Let's wait for chapter 10.

BTW,those spoiler in chapter 8 change to chapter 11..

Bye,Jess update soon!

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