ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"He never really did anything to make me uncomfortable, but he would flirt with someone else in our group. Why, did he do something to you?"

Sapnap said as he put away the splice that he got out for his cuts. "I mean yeah, he's kind of weird around me." Sapnap looked back at me, "How is he weird around you?" I sighed, "Well for starters after Dream got in a fight and we had to move him he pulled me on top of him and won't let me go. Sam left the room so he couldn't help me." Sapnaps face became series.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, he didn't do anything else to you; did he?" Sapnap pleased a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. "He also pinned me to a wall but besides that, he didn't do anything else," Sapnap responded with an up-set huff. "Ok, I'm going to tell you something that was just between me and Dream." I nod, "Dream only has one way to kill him and I know that your thinking that I'm insane right now but if it comes down to it then I want you to kill him."

I looked at Sapnap confused, why would I need to kill him? "Why would I kill him?" I couldn't help but ask. "Well you see, the only other person he's done this to was one of our friends, George. When Dream was out of prison he would spend a lot of his days with George. And if anyone tried to mess with George then Dream would go on a rampage. He exile Tommy for destroying Georges's house. Dream is insane when it comes to the people he loves. So if Dream ever goes insane then I want you to kill him."

I knew that Dream is crazy but is he that crazy? Well, it must be if this is coming from his friend.  Sapnap carried on about what he was saying. "The only way to kill Dream is by using his own sword. Dream cant die any other way." I nod still trying to process everything that was going on. Sapnap looked over at the clock I had on the wall. 

"Well sorry to leave you like this but I have someone to meet. If Techno ever tries to mess with you hit me up, ok?" Sapnap says with a soft smile. "Yeah I will, thank you for saving me and I will keep that in mind." Sapnap gave me a hug before walking out the door.

I only moved here around a couple of days ago and am already debating on moving away again.

【Next Day】

I could barely sleep with the thoughts of Techno coming and taking me last night.

"Today is Friday, tomorrow I don't have to come to work," I said to myself as I walked into work. There like always was Sam behind the desk.

"Morning Y/n, are you happy it's Friday?" Sam said as I walked behind the desk. "Yeah, I'm ready for my first weekend to be over," I say as I sip my coffee. "Well, you really deserve it with the amount of shit that happened on your first week here," Sam said patting me on the back which I responded with a chuckle. "Are you fine being in the cell with Dream or should we switch places," Sam asked.

I thought there for a second, would that make me weak if I say no? Will that give Dream the satisfaction over how I feel, but then again I have something over him right now. I should be fine, right?

"I can take him, Sam! You don't have to worry about me!" I say with a smile but really I'm still scared of him. "Alright, I'll just have you bring his food, and if he tries to pull anything then scram and I'll come to help you," Sam says as he gets up from his seat and starts to walk, I join him and walk at his side.

As the lava poured down the flashbacks came with it. How he pinned me to the wall and I felt weak. I'm not going to let him make me feel weak again, for the matter of fact I'm not going to let anyone make me feel weak.

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