Part 1

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"Ugh! This is ridiculous!" complained Draco Malfoy, his posh accent noticeable among the mutters of the rest of his classmates.

"Shut up Malfoy," snapped Ron, although he too was thinking the same thing. Why was it compulsory to go on a field trip for muggle studies? All of them were wearing blazers with the Hogwarts crest, a white undershirt, house tie, plain black pants and shiny new shoes. Each student had a duffel bag or rucksack containing pyjamas and few other essential items.

"Okay everyone. Gather round. I'm about to explain the basics of the trip," said Professor Scamander. Once everyone was quiet and listening, she began," The ministry has approved of the decision that you are to spend a couple of days in the muggle world. However, this year, we will be travelling to the past and visiting a government organisation. It is called OSS. OSS is one of the biggest undercover agencies in the world. You must understand and be on your best behavior at all times. Now, if you'll turn to the screen behind me, you will see the agency emblem." Right on cue, OSS symbol appeared behind her.

Out of nowhere, a strange blue portal of some sorts opened up and out stepped a boy. Coal black eyes, charcoal hair and dressed in a skintight suit, a bow and quiver of arrows strapped to his back. The white emblem of OSS was sewn onto his shoulder. There was no mistaking it. Nineteen year old Severus Snape stood before them, tablet in hand.

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