Part 2

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All the students looked at the nineteen-yeard old boy standing in font of them. He was wearing muggle clothes and had a ipod on his left hand. He watched every single person in the room until his eyes landed on Harry's. When he saw the green eyes of his ex-best friend he smiled a little and went to the teacher for the introduction, although with the looks the kid were giving him he didn't need one.

"Lieutenant Commander Severus Snape of the 5X Task Force from OSS, it's nice to meet you miss..." Snape said to proffesor Scamander

"KC Scamander. You here to pick the kids up?" KC asked

"Yeah. Come along pip-squeaks! This is gonna be a long ride."

"Ride!?" Nevile asked terrified

"Yes Longbottom. Ride. We are going to the headquarters whith this!" Snape said then pushed a button on his ipod and out of nowere a helicopter with the OSS symbol on the door. "Now, who's comming and who's staying? The ones that want to come put the hand up, the ones that don't want to come take a step back." 

Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Nevile Longbottom, Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengras put their hands up, while the other students took a step back.

"Well what do we have here? Hmmm, let's see, Potter, Malfoy, Weasly, Longbottom, Greengras and... who are you young lady?" Snape asked Hermione while lowering into her high.

"Hermione Granger sir." she answerd

"Very well everybody on board. I will return the children in a week." Snape announced before instucting the kids to sit and fasten their seat belts and piloting the helicopter inside the blue portal which led them into Washington D.C in 1979!

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