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"This is it." Sirius said eyes bright, "Make or break time."

"How are you so dramatic Padfoot?" Astrid muttered rolling her eyes before tearing into her envelope containing her results.

"So what did you get?" Remus asked watching as she scanned the parchment.

"O's in Astronomy, Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration and Potions. Exceeding expectations in Defence of the Dark Arts, A History of Magic and Runes." Astrid read aloud, pleased with her results.

"That's brill, Astrid." Mary said grinning, "Nice to know at least one of us is going places."

"Come on Mary, your results can't be that bad. We all studied for the same test." Marlene reassured Mary pushing her envelope in her hand, "You'll never know till you know."

Mary sighed using her painted red nail to rip open the envelope, she read it for a second before placing it down, face down.

"That bad?" James asked looking at Mary nervously.

Mary looked up smiling, "three o's, three e's and two acceptable. I'm officially average."

Marlene raised her drink in the air, "To average!"

The group raised their respective drinks in the air, "To average!"

A couple of students looked back at the group, but upon noticing it was the marauders they just shrugged it off, deciding it was best not to get involved.

"I wonder what they're shouting about?" Casper speculated as he glanced over to Sirius' group, "Something stupid I suppose."

"Casper, are you going to open your results or not," Violetta asked impatiently tapping the sealed envelope on their table.

Violetta had opened her's moment before, her grades as she suspected were good. Though what she didn't expect was a note from Xinya telling her that she had gotten the highest grade out of the whole school in Ancient Runes.

Casper picked up his envelope and tore it open before laying it on the table for them both to read.

"Basically the same as yours except for an Acceptable in Ancient Runes and an Exceeding Expectations in Transfiguration." Casper read aloud before taking a sip of his butterbeer, "Ministry job for me then."

"I'm going to talk to mum about your recruitment, they have to let you go."

Casper shook his head, "There's no point Vi, they are never going to listen. Plus what do I have to complain about it's not like they are forcing me to get married."

"Merlin, thanks for reminding me, Casper." Violetta said sarcastically, "I'm still going to talk to them, it's not fair you have to give up what you've been working towards for the last six years."

"What about you? How are you going to get out of being married."

"Another problem for another day." Violetta shrugged, "But for now we have the quidditch final to prepare for so we best be getting back to Hogwarts. Speaking of quidditch when was the last time you saw Regulus."

Casper thought for a moment, "Haven't seen him since exams started. You don't think?"

"Maybe, we got our when we turned 17. I thought he would have got his on his birthday but I guess not. Either way, I feel bad for him he just got back with Astrid."

Casper looked at her confused, "What do you mean 'got back with' I could have sworn they broke up."

"And that's why I inherited the brains." Violetta laughed as she left the three broomsticks, Casper following behind her.

The Fifth Marauder - r.a.bWhere stories live. Discover now