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Me and Bucky helped Clint chop up wood, fix his barn and even helped him with the project he had going on inside but it didn't feel right. Don't get me wrong, i loved seeing Laura, Clint and the kids but i was missing something.

It wasn't till we were all outside chopping up wood that, that something came along. Me and Bucky were just casually chatting about who knows what when a jet flew above our heads. I dropped the axe and pulled out my gun pointing it at the jet. It landed and i walked slightly closer just for the ramp to flip out. My gun was lowered as i saw who it was.

"You look hot chopping that wood" Maria smiled as she walked out

"Didn't think to tell one of us you were coming?"

"I sent you like ten messages" Maria sighed

"I shot my phone after i got here"

"So maybe that's why you didn't get them" Maria suggested

"What did i say about smartass privileges?"

Maria just rolled her eyes at me while i smirked. She looked back at me up and down. I was covered in sweat and my shirt was dirty. Maria smirked and connected her eyeline with mine.

"Are you gonna stand there and perv over me or are you going to kiss me?"

Maria chuckled while stepping slightly closer. I took hold of her cheek and connected our lips once again. Her hand went on my hip while the other in my hair.

"PG THIRTEEN PLEASE LADIES" Clint shouted from the front door

I smiled and pulled away pressing our foreheads together. She took my hand off her cheek and held it between both of hers.

"We need to talk about this" Maria smiled gesturing between us two

"What about? The fact you're completely and utterly obsessed with me?"

"No because that's not true" Maria laughed

"Sure it isn't sweetheart"

"Natasha was also telling me how you don't call anyone but girlfriends, sweetheart" Maria grinned smugly

"Geez take me on a date first Hill"

"You're an ass" Maria chuckled

"A hot ass"

"I'll take you to dinner. After this is all over, how about that?" Maria offered

"I'd like that"

"Good because i wouldn't have taken a no" Maria smirked

"Hey Agent Hill" Bucky waved as he approached us

"Call me Maria, Barnes and i'm glad to see you both alive" Maria smiled

"Just barely, some guy flipped her car and she nearly died" Bucky smirked before realising what he had said

"You WHAT?" Maria shrieked

"Yeah my cars absolutely wrecked"

"Are you alright?" Maria panicked

"Hey woah, i'm fine"

"What's going on with the Pierce stuff?" Bucky asked

"We haven't found him yet. Natasha and Wilson went to the Siberia base yesterday and he wasn't there" Maria sighed

"You give me a gun and that jet, i'll have him dead for you in the next day"

"We can't let you Kat. He's after you since you hid Barnes away and escaped" Maria pleaded

"Plus you promised twenty four seven" Bucky pouted

"Okay, okay i'll stay here"

"Yeah you better" Maria replied

"LUNCH IS READY!" Laura called out

"You coming?"

Maria nodded and i lead her inside with Bucky close in front. We walked in and Maria introduced herself to Clint's family before sitting next to me at the table. Laura had made spaghetti. I loved her spaghetti.

"So what's going on with you two?" Clint smirked

"This is lovely food" Maria stated, ignoring the question all together

"Thank you" Laura smiled

"And to answer your question, Clinton, we're going to dinner"

"So you're going on a date?" Clint asked

"I think so"

I looked at Maria and she nodded at me. I turned back to Clint who was smiling at me and then to Bucky who had a knowing smirk. I rolled my eyes at the two before going back to my meal.

"Wait so why are you here?" Bucky asked

"Fury gave me permission to visit and make sure everything is alright" Maria explained

"Awe he's checking up on us"

"He knew you would say that so he told me to say from him, 'Romanoff shut your damn mouth and don't die' or something along those lines" Maria chuckled

"It's alright i'm his favourite"

"You really are. He hasn't left the office in two days because there's someone out to get you both" Maria informed

"He's got a soft spot for you" Clint mocked

"You all have. I'm just that amazing"

"I don't" Bucky huffed

"Oh really? Why'd you buy me-"

"Yeah alright, alright" Bucky sighed

"I'm just so great"

They all laughed and shook their head at me. The rest of the day was spent with us helping Clint out still but Maria sat and watched. I caught her eyeing me down a few times as well. After a while she did have to go because it was getting dark.

"See you soon hot stuff"

"Goodbye Romanoff" Maria chuckled as she started to walk away

"No kiss?"

Maria sighed and turned back around to face me. She saw the pout on my face. Maria walked back up and gave me a peck before walking away. She was amazing.

The jet took off and i waved at it while sat on the porch. It was just me there now. I was looking up at the sunset amongst the clouds when someone came up behind me.

"Hey doll, you okay?" Bucky asked as he sat next to me

"I'm good, you alright?"

"Yeah fine" Bucky sighed

"What's up Buckaroo?"

"It sounds cheesy but i miss Steve" Bucky chuckled slightly

"Has he been in contact?"

"Yesterday before we left but since then no" Bucky replied

"Send him a text or call him. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you"

"I will Kat, i will" Bucky nodded as a light blush appeared on cheeks

"Someone has a crushhhh"

"Okay shut up. We all saw you sticking your tongue down Maria's throat" Bucky smirked

"For the record, there was no tongues"

"Yeah but you were still making out" Bucky replied


"You like her don't you?" Bucky smiled

"Yeah, yeah i do. She's brilliant"

"Maria likes you too Kat" Bucky commented

"I would damn hope so. I don't stick my tongue down anyone's throat"

"You just said-"

"Sorry, gotta go shower"

Bucky laughed at me as he stood. He held his hand out and lifted me up before we both walked inside.

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