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Me and Loki got back to the tower. I snuck him him considering he was some what of a villain to these people. Me personally thinks he's going through his teen years emo phase which i don't doubt. We got up to the common room and only Thor was there. Loki sighed before we walked in.

"Is everything alright?" Thor asked as he stood

"Fine" Loki replied as he sat down elegantly

"And you are alright Lady Katrina?" Thor questioned

"Fine" I answered while sitting another couch

"Everything does not sound fine" Thor commented as he raised his eyebrows

We both shrugged at the god as i conjured a beer. The cap was flicked off and i drank it as the two watched with raised eyebrows.

"What?" I snapped more harshly than i should've

The two looked taken aback slightly. Thor shrugged as i just sipped the beer. I finished that and magicked it away before standing up.

"I'm going back to mine. I have things to sort out"

"You can not leave Lady Romanoff, what if they-" Thor started

"That's a 'what if' which i frankly don't care about so if you will excuse me, i need to go home and wrap Barnes' presents"

I nodded at the two as Thor sighed. I started too walk off before there was a green glow surrounding me.

"As much as i despise you for tasing me, i know a couple of people would be upset if you died. So for their sake, be careful" Loki advised

"I don't love myself, they cant kill me"

I winked at the gods before the sparkles disappeared from around me. I continued walking before getting to the elevator. I looked back at the two gods who had expressions of worry. I pulled my gun out and shrugged before stepping in.

After that, i went home. Just me though. Bucky was out, Maria was safe in the tower and i was alone at 4am wrapping presents with take out pizza. I had the Tv on south park while i wrapped Bucky's presents. One pizza, five beers and a butt load of sellotape later, all of the presents were wrapped, it was half five and i was stuffed. I sat back on the couch and sighed before grabbing my stash of cigars. Only for when i'm stressed or pissed.

It lit and i stood by the wide open window while looking down on the city. It was beautiful at night. I smoked the cigar for a bit while calming down. So a bunch of frost giants were after me? Great. I took another inhale as the front door started rattling. It opened and i turned around to the metal armed soldier who was stood there in astonishment.

"Kat? You're alright!" Bucky smiled as he closed the door

"Happy birthday Barnes"

"Thanks doll" Bucky nodded

I nodded back at the man before flipping around so i was facing outwards. I heard a bag drop and footsteps as he came up next to me.

"You smoke?" Bucky asked

"One of my bad habits"

Bucky shrugged and took it off me. He leant against the window frame as he took a puff of it. I sighed while leaning against the window.

"So what's with you blowing Maria's questions off earlier?" Bucky asked


"She said you weren't yourself" Bucky stated

"I'm fine, you should get some sleep though, for your day with Steve"

"Nah, i blew him off" Bucky chuckled as he took another inhale of the cigar

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