Pregnant!? Chapter 9

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The pair were just fine until the day before they left when vegeta remembered something.

"Wait a minute... kakarot!" Goku woke up from his slumber. He raised his head that was resting in between the prince's legs. He loved putting his head there. "Hm?" He was half asleep and still trying to wake up. "D-did you wear a condom at all any of the times we had sex?"

Now goku was wide awake but very confused. "No...your a boy right? I thought boys couldn't have babies so I didn't worry about it." He raised a brow. "Is something wrong?" Vegeta just stared back. He didn't know what to say. Yes he in fact was a boy and no boys other than Namekians can get pregnant. Or so people tend to think.

"Kakarot listen and listen carefully. When the female saiyan population dropped some saiyan men evolved dividing the saiyans into three labels during the mating process. Number one was Alphas, that's what you are. Alphas can't get pregnant and are dominant during mating at all times. Second is beta, that's what girl saiyans and few male saiyans are. A beta saiyan will get pregnant during sex and if it's a male saiyan that's beta they'll switch with their mate once in a while. And lastly.... There's Omegas, th-that's me.(pronounced in this story as Oh-Meh-gahs) Omegas have a 50% chance of getting pregnant when mating in heat. This entire two weeks I was technically in heat..." he looked at goku who was now up and pacing back and forth.

Vegeta felt nervous. Thoughts in his mind making it worse. 'Would kakarot want me if I was pregnant? Would I be stuck with the blue haired woman and not whom I loved?' Goku stopped and stared at vegeta giving him a serious look. "If you are pregnant do you want it?" Vegeta felt a little relieved but not a lot. He wasn't out of the clear yet.

"W-would you?" Goku's expression softened as he walked up and brought his mate close. "I would but I wouldn't make you if you didn't. Your the one who would have to carry it after all!" He planted a kiss on vegeta's forehead and trailed his kisses down to the prince's stomach as set his head down gently. He could already feel a heartbeat, maybe two! "I hope they look just like you." Vegeta blushed a little.

Goku lifted his head up and grabbed one of vegeta's hands that were to his sides. He gently placed the hand on vegeta's stomach."Oh my kami.." tears started filling vegeta's eyes. "Th-there's.. That... a... I'm.." "Pregnant?" Goku said with a subtle smile. Goku kissed around vegeta's stomach and abs as vegeta tilted his head back. Tears of joy still escaping his eyes. 'I can't believe it.' He thought.  'I'm gonna be a fucking mom.'

•-•-•On the other side of the camera•-•-•

"Oh my god.." Bulma was just as stunned as vegeta. She heard the entire explanation but was still shocked to hear a man was pregnant. That wasn't something humans do. That was definitely a saiyan thing. She got up and got a scanner. She wanted to see this for herself. She walked out to the special room and unlocked the door. She didn't make a copy she just forcefully took the original from Chichi.

Chichi's lucky she escaped with her life cause bulma was loosing her patience and brought out a grenade launcher and gave Chichi a 5 second head start. Unfortunately Chichi was barely fast enough to dodge the impact and called the cops. But then the tables turned and bulma bought Chichi a ticket straight to jail for a year. Her last words to Chichi was "Bitch" and a middle finger.

Bulma made her way into the room with goku and vegeta.

-•-•-•All together•-•-•-

"What the hell?" Vegeta had blurring vision due to his tears. "It's bulma." Vegeta looked back down at goku who was smiling at bulma. "I thought we were leaving tomorrow." "You were but- just listen. I installed a camera in that mirror up there." She pointed to the camera and goku and vegeta blushed hard remembering what they did in front of it. "I heard your explanation on how your possibly pregnant. I brought this scanner to check for certain cause I'm curious myself." She spread a cold gel over vegeta's stomach making him shudder. "F-fuck that's fucking cold!"

"I know I know! Calm down...I think I got something!!" Goku rushed and he saw two small things in what he was guessing was vegeta's womb. "What are those bulma?" She saw the curiosity and passion growing on goku's face. 'He really does loves vegeta doesn't he... I have to let him go don't I..? There starting a family and everything..' "Those are your children goku. Vegeta's pregnant!" She said with some happiness and surprise in her voice. It was very faint but there was also a bit of sadness as well. Her and vegeta haven't been working out. She knew now that she couldn't have vegeta. That vegeta wasn't hers anymore. He belonged to goku, and goku belonged to him. "Congratulations you two. I'm happy." She turned to face vegeta who staring at his stomach in awe.

"I guess this means we're done right?" Vegeta sighed.

"Yea... Thank you for giving me Trunks and love I never thought I deserved." She smiled and turned to face goku. "Take care of him and those little ones. Knowing you two they'll be little trouble makers." Goku smiled. "I will."

Should I continue where you guys get to meet the kids? I don't wanna make this too long or cringe but I also don't wanna leave a cliff hanger.

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